



推し 燃ゆ

第164回 芥川賞。宇佐見りん の「推し 燃ゆ」が受賞。

毎回のことであるが、発表の翌月に発刊される 月刊文藝春秋に全文掲載されるのが常で、今回も2月10日発売の文藝春秋に掲載されていた。








The 164th Akutagawa Prize. The prize was awarded to Rin Usami for her novel “Oshimoyu”.

As is the case every time, the full text of the award is usually published in Bungeishunju, a monthly magazine published in the month following the announcement, and this time it was also published in Bungeishunju on February 10.

I read through it immediately, but I couldn’t understand what it said. It is said that the Akutagawa Prize is for pure literature and that the beauty and artistry of the writing are important, but to be honest, it is difficult for a lover of miscellaneous literature like me to read the Akutagawa Prize winners, and it always takes me a long time to get through them. It always takes me a long time to finish an Akutagawa Award-winning novel, because I can’t read it in one sitting like I can with Naoki Award-winning novels. But if anything, the Akutagawa Prize seems to attract more attention and is more popular. I am always impressed by how many smart people there are in this world.

Rin Usami, for example, is only 21 years old. I have no doubt that she will become a successful writer with this opportunity. Even if it takes a little time, I will continue to look through her works as a means of study, but this is the first time I learned that there is such a thing as a “Oshi”.

To be honest, I can’t keep up with the young people’s language, but I also don’t understand the katakana words that are commonly used in the company, and I often have to tap the computer to understand them later.

There is a saying, “Live as if you are going to die tomorrow, learn as if you are going to live forever,” and I am going to keep looking forward to learn at least until the moment I leave this world.

At least until the moment I leave this world, I will continue to learn. It seems that we are made that way…






氏名  山中太郎  生年月日、昭和52年◎月◎日生

 現住所  大阪市北区・・・・

 学歴   年3月   開成高等学校  卒業

       年3月   東京大学法学部 卒業

       年4月   大蔵省入省

       年10月  国費留学にてハーバード大学大学院(ロースクール)入学

       年9月      同校卒業  帰国 大蔵省復帰

       年4月    大蔵省退職 同時に三菱商事㈱ 入社

  以後、一流企業の要職を歴任し、現在は外務省の特別通訳をしている、との履歴書を某企業に   提出。

書類選考ー合格  一次面接ー合格  二次面接ー合格


調査結果  3日後ー不合格(採用不適当)







(告 知)



People who are not disciplined

There really are people who never learn, aren’t there? I mean, people usually repeat the same thing without learning…. I’ll never do this again. Right after something happens, we all think, “I’ll never make such a mistake again. However, it is human nature to repeat the same thing.

So, it seems that this person has not learned his lesson…. I’ve mentioned him once or twice in this blog in the past, but his resume is just amazing.

Name: Taro Yamanaka Date of birth: ◎◎, 1977

Current address, Kita-ku, Osaka City: ・・・・

Education: Graduated from Kaisei Senior High School in March 2000.

Graduated from University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law, March 2000.

Joined the Ministry of Finance in April 2000.

Entered Harvard University Graduate School of Law (Law School) as a government-sponsored student

Returned to the Ministry of Finance.

Retired from the Ministry of Finance and joined Mitsubishi Corporation

Submitted a resume to a certain company stating that he has held important positions in leading companies since then and is currently working as a special interpreter for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Application screening – Passed First interview – Passed Second interview – Passed

Request for investigation by us

Investigation result 3 days later – Rejected (not suitable for employment)

For some reason, the ・・・・ history is all horseshit. Except for his name, age, and current address, he had never had a real job after graduating from high school, and had been working part-time and part-time after his parents.

In fact, he had never had a real job after graduating from high school.

In fact, this man’s resume was sent to us twice after that. All of them were requests for investigation before hiring. There is no doubt that he has an impressive resume, but his work history is quite different. However, it seems that the only thing he can’t get rid of is his law degree from the University of Tokyo, and his final education has been consistent.

However, I received another request to investigate this person. He also graduated from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law. However, his high school education was Nada School.

As a result of the investigation, I found out that he had actually worked as a general manager at a medium-sized company for about 10 months. 10 months is a long time to work for a company, but I am sure he did. However, the people around him said that there was something wrong with him, and as a result of an internal investigation, he was found to have falsified his work history and embezzled several million yen.


I would like to make a statement to the person in charge of hiring at the company.

Please be careful of graduates from Kaisei High School and the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law, and graduates from Nada High School and the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law.












The news of his death came suddenly. Because of the Corona disaster, all the meetings that I used to hold several times a year have been stopped, and the opportunities to meet with long-time acquaintances and friends have been greatly reduced. This is partly because I tend to lack information, but also because of the sudden news of his death. I was surprised to hear the news of his death. Especially at this age, the number of deaths of friends is increasing.

Especially in my age, most of my friends and acquaintances are elderly, and I often hear the news of their deaths in winter.

This is the case today, too, with a wake tonight and a funeral tomorrow. It makes me feel a little sentimental.

A person who has achieved great success leaves everything behind and goes to the other side alone. It’s the same for everyone, we will always die, but somehow I feel it’s unreasonable.

In the next life, there seems to be a wonderful world of spiritual life waiting for us that we cannot experience in this world, but it is not our temporary self (this life’s self) that feels it, but our true self (spirit soul), and not the self that we are aware of in this life.

If I study the spiritual world half-heartedly, my confusion will only deepen, and I will never be like Tetsuro Tanba, but I would like to learn enough to live in this world, and recently I have been reading through “Conversations with God, Upper, Middle, and Lower” (Neale Donald Welsch) repeatedly. But I am still far from understanding it. I have also read “Reimei” by Mizuho Ashihara, but it is a world that I cannot fully understand just by reading it. However, I have a feeling that I will continue to have an interest in this world.














New Year’s Greeting

Happy New Year to you all.

It has been my usual practice to update this page when I first arrive at work, but for some reason this year I’m a week late. There is no particular reason for it. I just didn’t renew it….

Is this how old I am? I’m old because I say so…

So, from now on, I’m going to do this at my own pace. So, I’m going to be doing this at my own pace from now on, and I hope you’ll keep in touch with me.

This New Year’s Day in Osaka was blessed with good weather, and we were able to welcome the New Year with dignity and freshness. However, it was a quiet New Year’s Day for me and my wife, as we were in the midst of the Corona disaster and my children did not return home because we were in a stay home. We still had a few visitors on the 2nd and 3rd, and we had a good time as if it was the New Year.

This year, the 4th was a Monday, so I started my first day of work on the 4th, but the highway was empty when I left for work. It was a smooth ride to work. However, in reality, corona has been rampant since the start of the year and an emergency state has been declared again in the Kanto region and two prefectures in the Kansai region, so the situation does not allow for optimism. However, vaccinations are expected to start in February, so there is no need to be pessimistic as long as each and every citizen focuses on preventing infection. The stock market, for example, which moves in anticipation of the future, on the contrary, has been booming for the past several years, predicting a bright future. Although there is no room for optimism, if we look forward and work proactively while taking the greatest possible measures against coronary heart disease without being overwhelmed by media reports, we will have the Tokyo Olympics. It will be a good year….

I would like to ask for your guidance and encouragement for the rest of the year.

When I opened the window this morning, I saw a snowy scene like this.







静寂に包まれた境内には、日本一の桂の大樹群、芭蕉の池、雷神爪堀湧泉等があり、歴史と自然が共存する。東海自然歩道も通り、四季折々の自然が楽しめる山寺。ご本尊は、三重のお厨子に納められている御丈十五センチの千手観音で、”雷除け観音””汗かき観音””厄除け観音””ぼけ封じ観音”と呼ばれている。 雷が爪で掘った雷神爪堀湧泉は”不老長寿の水”と呼ばれ、健康長寿ぼけ封じを願う参拝者も多く訪れる。

御詠歌  みなかみは いづくなるらん いわまでら きしうつなみは まつかぜのおと

宗派、真言宗醍醐派   開基 泰澄大師  御本尊 千手観世音菩薩
創建、、養老6(722)年 IMG_1535















御詠歌  後の世を 願うこころは かろくとも ほとけの誓い おもき石山

宗派 東寺真言宗  開基 良弁僧正  御本尊 如意輪観世音菩薩
創建 天平19(747)年











御詠歌  いで入るや 波間の月を 三井寺の 鐘のひびきに あくる湖

宗派 天台寺門宗(総本山)  開基 大友与多王  御本尊 如意輪観世音菩薩
創建 朱鳥元(686)年













Nishikuni 33, 12.13.14

On Saturday the 12th, I visited the number 12, 13 and 14 of the 33 temples in the western part of Japan. I’m still a third of the way there, so I’ll take it easy and hope to complete it in a year, taking care of my health as I go.

The 12th temple, Shobouji Temple (Iwama Temple)

In the quiet precincts of the temple, there are the largest group of Katsura trees in Japan, Basho’s pond, and the Raijin tsumebori spring, where history and nature coexist. The Tokai Nature Trail passes through the temple, and visitors can enjoy nature in all four seasons. The main deity of the temple is the 15-centimeter tall thousand-armed Kannon (Goddess of Mercy), which is housed in a three-storied kitchen. It is also called “Kannon to ward off thunder,” “Kannon to stop sweating,” “Kannon to ward off evil,” and “Kannon to ward off blur. The Raijin tsumebori spring, which was dug by a thunderbolt with its claws, is called the “water of longevity” and is visited by many people who wish for good health and longevity.

Gohonka (poem): Minakami wa izunareran, Iwadera, Kisitsuunami wa matsukaze no otoko

The founder of the Daigo sect of Shingon Buddhism, Taicho Taishi, the principal image of the temple is the thousand-armed Kannon Bodhisattva.
Founded in 722 (Yoro 6)

Number 14 temple, Mitsui-ji Temple

Sonjoji Temple (Mitsui Temple) is the head temple of the Tendai Teramon sect of Buddhism, and has long been one of the four great temples of Japan.

A poem about the moon between the waves and the sound of the Mitsui temple bell.

Tendai Teramon sect (head temple) Founder: Otomo Yotao Main deity: Ringu Kannon Bosatsu
Founded in the year 686

Our Kotaro went to the hair salon to get ready for the New Year.




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