






「コロナ禍に思う・・」                        会長 松谷 廣信



今年6月、「令和3年度 就職差別解消促進月間」にちなんで、東京都総務局人権部長より、「就職差別差別解消促進月間を契機とした身元調査に係る注意喚起等について(依頼)」と題した文章を頂きました。内容はここ数十年ほぼ変わることなく、「就職の際に出身地や家族の状況を調べる身元調査は、人権を侵害し、差別につながるおそれのあるものです。しかし、企業が調査会社に依頼して就職希望者の身元調査を行う事例がありました・・・。云々とありました。









Bulletin of the All-China Council

It’s been six months since I received a request for a newsletter from a trade magazine, and I wrote something a little more serious than I have in a long time, so I’ve attached it below as my first blog update in a while. Please excuse me…


Chairman Hironobu Matsutani: “Thoughts on the corona disaster

How are you doing in the midst of this corona disaster?

At the beginning of this year, I predicted that the disease would end by the beginning of autumn and the economy would be booming, although it has been lingering for a long time, but as it turns out, 19 prefectures, mainly Tokyo and Osaka, were under the declaration of emergency until the end of September, and the situation is still unpredictable. However, vaccination of the younger generation is progressing quite rapidly, and I believe that we will be able to return to normal life by the end of the year. We have no choice but to endure for the time being, but a bright future awaits us soon. Let’s not get carried away by the media reports, let’s get our feet on the ground and take a strong step toward a bright future. Double payback to Corona…! with the spirit of “Double payback to Corona!

In June of this year, I received a letter from the Director of the Human Rights Division of the Bureau of General Affairs of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government titled “A Reminder Regarding Background Checks in Connection with the Month of Promoting the Elimination of Discrimination in Employment (Request)” in connection with the “2021 Month of Promoting the Elimination of Discrimination in Employment. The content of the letter, which has remained almost unchanged for the past several decades, states, “Background checks to determine a person’s place of birth and family status at the time of employment are a violation of human rights and may lead to discrimination. However, there have been cases where companies have hired research companies to conduct background checks on job applicants…. There was a case where a company hired a research company to conduct background checks on job applicants….

The phrase used here is “background checks for employment may lead to discrimination. In the past, there have been many discussions in Kansai, especially in Osaka, between the government and activist groups, and a certain compromise has been found, but what do you think?

What do you think? Do you think that background checks should not be done because they may lead to discrimination, or do you think that background checks should not be done because they may lead to discrimination? We should avoid such expressions that can be taken either way! This is the unanimous opinion of the vendors. After much debate, the main consensus was that the former (no background checks that may lead to a connection), so-called background checks that do not relate to a person’s abilities or qualifications, such as investigating their place of birth or family status, should not be conducted. However, it is natural for a company to conduct a background check on a job seeker’s own problems, such as whether the applicant’s history has been reported correctly and whether the applicant has the ability and qualifications for the job.

For your reference, the Mitsubishi Plastics case, a precedent of the Supreme Court, is as follows.

(1) A company has the freedom to conclude contracts, and when hiring workers for its own business, it can in principle freely decide what kind of workers to hire and under what conditions to hire them, unless there are special restrictions by law or otherwise.
(2) Even if a business operator refuses to hire a person who has a particular ideology or belief for that reason, this cannot of course be regarded as illegal.
(3) When a company decides whether to hire a worker or not, there is no reason why it should be considered an illegal act prohibited by law if the company investigates the worker’s thoughts and beliefs and asks the worker to report on related matters.

However, in the “Guidelines for the Protection of Workers’ Personal Information

However, in the “Action Guidelines for the Protection of Workers’ Personal Information,” it is stated that employers shall not collect personal information on workers’ race, ethnicity, social status, family origin, legal domicile, place of birth, or other matters that may cause social discrimination, ideology, beliefs, progress, labor union membership or activities, or medical personal information, except in certain cases.

We, the members of the association, should keep this in mind and not repeat the mistakes of the past, but tackle the survey business with pride and fairness. Let us not be misled by ambiguous expressions, but let us tackle our work with a resolute attitude.



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