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I attended the board meeting of the National Research Cooperative Association in Tokyo this week. There was no special agenda, and the talk of the educational training session to be carried out next month was the center, but the talk that came out in it. Three years have passed since the enforcement of the Detective Business Law, and the operation of the law, including the review, is gradually becoming stricter…

The Detective Business Act is just a law to regulate detectives, not to train them. The police are a government office whose main duty is to enforce the law, and I don’t think they have much of an idea of training traders.

In spite of this, our research industry did not want to enact a business law, and when it was enacted, our industry welcomed it with open arms and even held a celebration party.

However, what are the results? What a terrible thing.

However, if the market was sluggish but consumer protection was secured, bad dealers declined, and conscientious dealers became easy to deal with in their own way, we can endure this as a transitional period for the “health of the industry”, but my feeling is not so.

However, industry groups are constantly clashing over low-level inward-facing issues, with little outward activity. I think that “industry soundness”, “industry development”, and “consumer protection” should be raised to the same table on the occasion of the business law enactment, and the industry should unite and assert itself to the society, and I think that I have acted in my own way though it is small, but it does not function as much as the cry of Krotaro (a beloved dog) of our house, far from the howl of the wolf, and has come to now.

All of these incidents could have been avoided if background checks had been carried out at the time of hiring, such as the nail-peeling incident by a nursing assistant in Kyoto, the ramming of a trailer into a school in Niigata, the assault at a restaurant late at night, and the murder of a student at a cram school by a lecturer.

Nevertheless, with the guidance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, they did not conduct a hiring survey, but only made decisions based on interviews and paper tests. The industry group, however, has no intention of speaking out to the government. As I am a two-part contractor, I don’t know much about the specific cases of three-part contractors who mainly conduct public research, but I think there have been a number of cases where the protection of personal information and the inability to obtain family registers have resulted in problems that have threatened human lives.

It is a fact that human rights organizations have campaigned under the banner of “elimination of discrimination” as a distant cause, and as a result, there have been many cases where the most important human right, which is the human right to live, has been violated, and the government, which is based on fairness and selflessness, should pay attention to this reality. Shouldn’t we, the investigative agencies, do more to appeal to society about the importance of investigations and speak out against the recent unilateral overemphasis on human rights?

The “Human Rights Protection Bill” is now being secretly enacted. This is a bill that was defeated once, but it is now being introduced again to remove the media from the target audience. If this human rights bill is enacted, I may not be able to write articles like this one. If 20,000 human rights commissioners are appointed across the country, and these commissioners see articles in my blog or newsletter and decide that this “leads to discrimination” or “may encourage discrimination”, I may be investigated by the Human Rights Commission and subjected to humiliating treatment.

Now the media doesn’t seem to see it as much of a problem because their words and actions have been removed from the target, but there is a good chance that the current Democratic Party administration will enact it. Those of us in the industry, who are deeply involved in human rights issues, should pay more and more attention to this bill…






ポスター 002_t

ポスター 001_t

何故イヤな感じがしたのか?  小生、あまり警察官と云う人種が好きではない。そんな普段の思いも相俟っての事と思うが、このポスターを見て、同じ思いがする人も少なく無いのではなかろうか・・・・



故意は別として、過失や止むを得ずの出来事や不注意による出来事など、 「ごめん・・」ですましてやる様な人、そんな人が多い世の中になれば良いのになーと考えている。

ところがこのポスター、大泣きしているこの子は、故意に泣かされたのではなく、不注意で自転車に当ったか、路地から飛び出して何かにぶつかり転んだか・・・そんな感じがする。 それを取り締まって厳しく対処しよう、正義の味方、警察官になろう、そんな呼びかけのポスターに感じられる。



On my way to work this morning, when I crossed the street in front of the Tenma Police Department, I saw the following poster. I’m sorry, I don’t need the police! The poster shows a 5 or 6-year-old child falling on his or her buttocks and crying loudly. When I looked closely, I saw that it was a poster of the Osaka Prefectural Police recruiting for police officers.

Without reason, I had a bad feeling about it.

Why did I feel bad about it?  I don’t really like people who are called police officers. I’m sure there are many people who feel the same way when they see this poster….

I don’t need the cops if I don’t need them! I don’t like this phrase because it’s a common phrase of people who bully the weak from above.

I love people who can say “I’m sorry…” and people who can say “I’m sorry…” and people who can say “I’m sorry” to get away with it.

I am thinking that it would be good if the world becomes a world where there are many people who do it by saying “I’m sorry…”, such as an event by negligence or unavoidable event or carelessness, aside from intentionality.

In this poster, however, it seems that the crying child was not made to cry on purpose, but was hit by a bicycle, or ran out of the alley and fell on something…or something like that. It feels like a poster calling to crack down on it and deal with it severely, to be an ally of justice, to be a police officer.

I wonder what the Osaka Prefectural Police feel when they use a poster like this to recruit police officers….. It’s not impossible to say that it’s an over-the-top, police-like recruiting poster, but I also want you to know that there are petty citizens who get the same impression from this poster and have a bad feeling about it.






The heat wave has arrived. It’s really hot, this summer is going to be a summer to work out…, I can’t use the air conditioner much.
It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced the summer of my childhood…but it’s hot… I don’t use the air conditioner….

I’m going on a business trip to Tokyo tomorrow, so I don’t have time to write a blog because I have some work to do. I’m sorry for the heat this week.







 話しはコロっと変わりますが、「サボテンの花」ってご存知ですか?。以前にもこのブログで何回か紹介したと思いますが、今年も見事に咲いてくれました 。

サボテンの花 002_t


サボテンの花 008_t


サボテンの花 004_t




サボテンの花2 002_t サボテンの花2 001_t

サボテンの花2 003_t

サボテンの花2 005_t サボテンの花2 004_t



It’s been two weeks since I’ve been here.

I felt like I had to update this blog, but I was somehow bogged down with business trips to Tokyo, and I also had to take an exam to teach “Tenpukai, Shinshin Unity Do”, which I sometimes introduce in this blog…………………………………………

This Sunday, May 29th, was the general meeting of the Kinki Kokuga-kai (a local community association composed of people from Oki and Nishinoshima towns). Although it is an annual thing, a lot of important people of the town, such as the mayor and other town council chairmen and the president of the tourism association, go to Osaka, and get to know the person who left the town, and the beautiful place of the countryside is a dance and a song, and it is a lively meeting. I used to be the president of this association, so I had to attend no matter what, but I couldn’t attend this year, so I managed to run to the second party after 5 p.m.

The story changes quickly, but have you ever heard of the “cactus flower”? I think I’ve written about it several times before in this blog, but it bloomed beautifully again this year.

Cactus Flowers 002_t

I thought that the flower of the cactus only blooms once a year, for one day, and only one flower. That’s what this cactus was until about three years ago. It’s the same as 24 hours a day, but it’s very beautiful. Please take a good look at it…

Cactus Flower 008_t

I took this image when I came home in the evening, thinking that it would be in bloom tomorrow morning.

Cactus Flowers 004_t

That’s right, it was blooming beautifully the next morning. I think when I see the flower of this cactus every year, but at any rate, “the feeling that it is blooming with all its soul” is drifting unreasonably, and I think that I feel sorry for the cactus if I don’t see it surely.

However, this cactus child (which I keep at my office) has been expanding its buds for a few days now, just like its parents. I had been encouraging them to do their best on Friday, but now (June 3, 4pm) they are in this state, and they will probably bloom tomorrow, Saturday, or the day after tomorrow, Sunday. Then I feel very sorry for them, so please at least look at them, even though they are in buds.

Cactus Flowers 2 002_t Cactus Flowers 2 001_t

Cactus Flowers 2 003_t

Cactus Flowers 2 005_t Cactus Flowers 2 004_t

All of them are cacti on the stairs behind us. He is a young cactus child in our house, but he is doing well. Praise him…..





 それにしても何をしよう、多すぎる・・・・。 小生、昔から休みを計画立ててと云う事が超苦手で、 朝起きて、「エッ今日休み?」って云うのが何時ものパターン  。そんなんだから今年もこれと言った計画無し。せいぜいゴルフくらいかな ・・・?、それと家庭菜園・・・?。

 ただ、連休明けには天風会の講習会が予定されている。ところが、今度の講習会は正直殆ど広報をしてなく、集まりが非常に心配な状況にある。 そこで、このブログで広報・・・、少しでもご興味のある方、是非お出で下さい。











日時  平成23年5月8日(日) 13:00?15:00

テーマ 「幸せの方程式を考える」     講師 南方 哲也

会費  無料

講演会   平成23年5月15日(日) 13:00?16:00

テーマ 「ガンバレ日本 心の更新と日々の行い」  講師 南方 哲也

会費  会員 無料  一般 1.000円

講演会   平成23年5月29日(日) 13:00?16:00

テーマ 「ストレスの克服と心の持ち方」     講師 櫻井啓二郎

会費  会員 無料  一般 1.000円

場所  寝屋川市東香里園町18?13(藤田記念・香里天風会館2階)

電話  072-831-0138(毎日曜午前中のみ可) 香里園駅徒歩7分

事務局電話 090-4039-1279(松谷) tempukai_kouri@yahoo.co.jp


Golden Week starts tomorrow. Moreover, this year, depending on how you take it, there will be 10 consecutive holidays. No matter how much I wanted to do it, my body and mind would be so tired that I wouldn’t be able to work after the holidays, and as a result, I wouldn’t be able to catch the May disease. Therefore, we have decided to follow the calendar.

What am I going to do, it’s too much…. I’ve always been very bad at planning vacations, so I’d wake up in the morning and think, “Oh, you’re off today? This is the usual pattern. That’s why I have no plans for this year. The best I can do is play golf… And a home garden…?

However, a seminar of the Tenpukai is scheduled to be held after the consecutive holidays. However, to be honest, there is very little publicity for this year’s seminar, and I am very concerned about the turnout. So, if you are interested in this blog………………………..

Invitations to Lectures and Seminars

Have you ever thought about the “happiness equation”?

What is life, what is health, what is happiness?

Why don’t you think about it with us now?

Why don’t you take a look at the life philosophy of the immortal great philosopher Tenpou Nakamura, who was once praised as a “philosopher” by General Heihachiro Togo and revered as a “lifelong teacher” by King Rockefeller III?

The Tenpukai teaches “how people should live” in a scientific and systematic way.

The method was invented by the late Tenpou Nakamura (1876-1968), who practiced yoga at the foot of the Himalayas, conquered death and disease, and based on his eventful life.

Why don’t you come and listen to a short story, maybe it will change your life…

His students include Heihachiro Togo, Takashi Hara, Iroku Yamamoto, Shinpei Goto, Kounosuke Matsushita, Kazuo Inamori, Yukio Funai, Jiro Daibutsu, Chiyo Uno, Enshou Sanyutei (VI), Futabayama, Tatsuro Hirooka, and many others from the fields of entertainment, literature, and sports, as well as political and financial circles, and he applies his teachings to his own life.

public lecture

Date and time May 8, 2011 (Sunday) 13:00 – 15:00

Theme: “Thinking about the Equation for Happiness” Speaker: Tetsuya Minakata

Membership Fee: Free

Lecture: May 15, 2011 (Sunday) 13:00 – 16:00

Theme: “Ganbare Japan, Renewal of the Mind and Daily Practice” Lecturer: Tetsuya Minakata

Membership Fee: Free General 1.000 yen

Lecture: May 29, 2011 (Sunday) 13:00 – 16:00

Theme: “Overcoming Stress and How to Be Mindful” Lecturer: Keijiro Sakurai

Membership Fee: Free General 1.000 yen
Tenpukai Kori Support Society

Place: 18-13, Higashi-Korinoen-cho, Neyagawa City (2nd floor of Fujita Memorial & Kori Tenpou Hall)

Phone: 072-831-01398 (Available every Sunday in the morning only) 7 minutes walk from Korinoen station

Office Phone 090-4039-1279 (Matsutani) tempukai_kouri@yahoo.co.jp




  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
