










 全て自分の身の上に起こった事柄は、自分が行った結果である。そう心得て自分を律する事である。  それって大変だね・・・・、うーん、そうだね・・・。でも、やっぱりそうなのだ!!。




I’ve been somewhat busy since last week, and as a result, this is my first blog in two weeks. Also, my previous blog was too long and I was booed a lot. Maybe it should have been divided into two or three times… But I’m super happy that there are people who read it…. Thank you, thank you, thank you…

This week is Monday and Tuesday in Tokyo. I’m in an exhausted mode after attending industry meetings and meetings with lawyers. Tiredness after physical activity is somehow pleasant even when you are tired, but tiredness from a meeting or a meeting is somewhat of an earful and takes a back seat.

The place was Arima Royal, which is a very good golf course. It was a golf competition of the Tenpukai, but the result was the runner-up of the Bethgro, and it was refreshing.

Golf is a very mental sport. Being in good shape doesn’t mean your scoring is going to get better. In many cases, it’s better to be in a bad physical condition or to be a little tired and just be able to go around today.

So to speak, a matter of concern. It seems that one must have the mind to control one’s chi, rather than the mind to release it uncontrollably. That means, I have to accumulate more and more Tenpukai cultivation…

So, when I went to work yesterday for the first time in six days, my work was full. However, I couldn’t do my job due to meetings and customers, and I had difficult meetings at night. Still, if you move, there are things you move, and if you think about it, there are things you think about. Basically, the world is made fair…

Everything that has happened to you is the result of what you have done. You must discipline yourself with this in mind.  That’s a lot of work….hmmm, yeah…. But it’s true!

Three consecutive holidays from tomorrow. So, on Saturday and Sunday, I went to Matsuyama in Ehime Prefecture with my wife and I had a rendezvous. Actually, a friend of mine is giving a lecture in Matsuyama on Saturday. So, the dead tree decided to join in the excitement of the mountain and cheer.

This is a friend of mine who was in the same squadron and studied at the night school together. I was discharged after two terms and four years, but he became a so-called career soldier and finally rose to the rank of colonel. Since then, he has spent most of the 12 years in Cambodia, and now he is volunteering to remove landmines and unexploded ordnance in a village in a minefield with the intention of burying his bones there.










It’s been an annual event for about 20 years now. I’ve done it again this year.
A body that has been injured at a certain age can never be completely cured…

I try to take care of my lower back pain, but when I push myself a little too hard when I’m feeling tired, I feel a bit stiff.

This time, it took a couple of minutes of weeding, and when I tried to stand up, I couldn’t. That was the beginning, and after a few hours I couldn’t walk and was in bed for about three days.
It’s pathetic, but it’s not like my head hurts or my stomach hurts. I just can’t walk.

Hence, in the floor with utmost vigor. If you think of it as a once-a-year holiday, this is quite enjoyable in its own way. For the first time in a long time, I was able to slow down and indulge in reading.











Obon is a religious event, but it’s a nationwide Obon event in Japan.

Japan is sometimes said to be a non-religious country, but at the time of the Oshogans and Obon (Bon Festival), both cats and ladders are transformed into Buddhists and become a Buddhist country.

Therefore, our company, as a matter of course, enters the summer vacation (five consecutive holidays) by separating into the first and second stages after the Bon Festival. In recent years, however, the concept of “Obon” seems to be fading, and many companies have regular workdays and work comes in normally. It’s a good thing, but it’s actually hard to meet the deadline, and some employees don’t have time off…

I have decided to return to my hometown, the island of Oki, for three or four days of Obon every year, but this year there is also the convenience of my daughter’s work, and it becomes three days of Saturday, Sunday, and the moon, and I have to leave my hometown on the 13th of Obon.

This was also an unthinkable act in the past. If my parents were alive and well, I’m sure they would never have allowed such a thing to happen. To tell you the truth, I have this feeling in my head as well, and I have a lot of resistance to it, but if you ask people around me, I get a casual answer like, “Well, it’s okay…”. Then, somehow, I thought, “Well, okay… .

There is a tendency to be a sense of expediency by nature, and they come up with their own excuses and deal with them conveniently. That’s why I’m going back to the Oki Islands for three days…I’m happy…I’m happy…I’m happy.



天神祭 鉾流し神事





 天神祭りは、一般的には24日朝に行われる「鉾流し」神事から始まるとされており、8時過ぎからその神事が、私の通勤道である、鉾流し橋の下で行われる。たまたまカメラを持っていたので、早速撮影。ただ、神事が終わるまで付き合っている訳にも行かず、肝心の鉾流しのシーンは撮れなかったが、一応雰囲気だけはこのブログファ ンにも味わって貰おうと、若干の遅刻を覚悟して撮影させて貰った。


農園 016_t


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農園 018_t



今朝も、娘が出勤時に扉をキチッと閉めていなかったため、廣太郎殿は独り遠征にお出かけあそばし、小生はパジャマ姿で廣太郎殿と、鬼ごっこかかくれんぼかは判らな いが、大変な騒ぎであった。

久々のご登場。松谷 廣太郎です。

廣太郎 001_t

廣太郎 003_t



廣太郎 005_t


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廣太郎 004_t



農園 001_t

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農園 003_t


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農園 012_t

農園 013_t


Today the 24th and tomorrow the 25th is Tenjin Festival.

The Tenjin Festival is one of Japan’s three major festivals (Gion, Kanda, and Tenjin) and is said to have started on June 1, 951, two years after Osaka Tenmangu Shrine was established. At this time, the purification ceremony was done by flowing the divine spears from the river and setting up a purification hall where the floats arrived. This became the origin of the Hoko Nagarashi ritual, and it is said that the origin of the boat ritual is that the boat was delivered to the site of the ritual.

This morning, as I walked to my office, I saw a crowd of people at Naniwa-bashi Bridge in Keihan.

Oh yeah, it’s the Tenjin Festival from today.

The Tenjin Festival generally starts with the “Hoko-nagashi” ritual on the morning of the 24th, and the ritual is held under the Hoko-nagashi Bridge, my commuter route, after 8:00. I happened to have a camera with me, so I took a picture right away. However, I couldn’t shoot the main scene of the floats until after the ritual, but I was prepared to be a little late so that I could experience the atmosphere in this blog.

The Shinto priests were all present and gave the congratulatory words in a loud voice.

After that, the representative members of the clan are lined up in a row, and everyone follows the Shinto priest and gives a congratulatory message together.

The altar of the Hoko Nagashi ritual. It was very simple, but the simplicity felt solemn because it has been going on for 1000 years without any change.

After this, two children and a Shinto priest get on this boat and row out to the big river and float the floats near the center of the river.

Pomeranian (Kotaro Matsutani), who came to our house one and a half years ago, is only one and a half years old, but he is now occupying the position of a master and using his wife and children as if they were his servants. There is no distinction between the inside and the outside of the house, and they always go in and out of the house with their feet on the ground at will.

This morning, too, my daughter did not close the door properly when she went to work, so Krotaro went out on an expedition by himself, and I was in my pajamas with him, playing tag or hide-and-seek, I don’t know.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen you. My name is Kotaro Matsutani.

The front door is my favorite on a hot day…

When he gets a little tired, he lies down wherever he wants.

Cut it out a little bit…. I can’t stand being sued with these eyes.

So, my family’s Shinto ritual, Summer Cut… For some reason, he is only a loyal dog to me…

A tiger cut is a week’s patience. I’m not very good at heights…

Summer cuts are exhausting…

But after 10 minutes, this energy!

The lilies bloomed in our garden this morning.

Curtain of bitter melon on the window where the west sun shines

Goya curtains as seen from inside the house.

A vegetable garden of 1.3 square meters was created in the garden. The aubergine is not very energetic this year. I’ve already got summer fatigue…

The tomatoes are in great spirits.

We get at least five or six cucumbers every morning.








詳細はこちらをご覧下さい。 もしかしたら人生が変わるかも・・・・。そして、今までの人生で無く、明るく、積極的な楽しい幸せな日々を送る事が出来るようになるかも。

The summer of the Tenpukai has come and gone as it does every year.

Tianpukai provides a place to practice for the unification of mind and body in the summer. It is said that midsummer, when the sun shines, is the best time to take in the natural chi, the cosmic chi, the spiritual chi, the brill, or whatever it is called, which is the most important and indispensable part of human life.

Therefore, the Tenpukai-Kori Support Society, of which I am a representative, has set the last three days of July, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, as the days of its training sessions (summer special training sessions), and will hold them on the 27th, 28th and 29th of this year as well.

If you are interested, please come and join us….

For more information, please click here. Maybe it will change your life…. And maybe you’ll be able to live a bright, positive, joyful, happy life that you never had before.




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