









Another jaw-dropping job seeker (applicant). I can’t complain about it as far as my resume goes.
He graduated from a top-notch university and worked for some major companies (No. 1 in the industry), worked in sales for 15 years, and left in March 2009 for his own reasons. Currently 37 years old, single.
Even if you look at his photo, he has a sharp face and the contents of his resume are quite good.

And yet, there it is. He’s definitely a college graduate, but his 15-year tenure as a recent graduate is complete bullshit.
In fact, I was hired at a branch office and worked there for only one year from 2007 to 2008. What’s more, he’s had a history of forgery and use of private documents bearing his name.
Turns out he was charged with attempted fraud. How could you possibly know that? But actually, I know what it is. although it is true that
You can’t know everything, there are cases where you can’t. In some cases, we don’t know, but there is a problem somewhere with such an investigator. For example.
As in this case, some inconvenience will arise, such as misrepresenting one’s background or being pointed out as a problem in terms of character or work ethic.

There are many cases where the client (client company) asks for specific matters such as “I want you to look into this point,” but it is a survey on people.
It’s very difficult to do (personnel and character surveys).
If you don’t look at the people around you, such as your friends, if necessary, you often can’t see the part you’re pointing out.
Research on people is surprisingly time consuming and expensive. However, it is not possible to accept the case without setting the fee, and it is always troubled in the head.

I’m sorry. It was not my intention to write something like this. What I really wanted to say in the above survey was
It refers to the super-major company that the investigator worked for. Although they were hired at a branch office, they were not hired through a job placement agency, but through a private, paid job placement agency.
It’s easy to guess that it’s a referral fee of 1.5 million yen or more.
The survey did not find out what kind of resumes and CVs were used by recruiters via job placement agencies, but it did find out that they were not the same as those used in the survey.
It must have been a great content thing that was probably cemented with lies. This company hires without knowing about it and leaves without causing any problems.
(It may be that he didn’t come to the surface and didn’t actually do much work…) I think it was a blessing in disguise or a blessing in ignorance.
Fortunately, the company lost millions of yen in introductory commissions and labor costs over the course of a year.
If you’re out in business every day, that’s a horrible feeling.

Do I still have to do a survey at the time of hiring (hiring survey, employment survey)?












笑い話のような本当の話。  こんな世間に誰がした・・・・♪ 。

What I had feared came true. As I wrote on this blog before, from the current trend of personal information protection and human rights, “resume fraud” will become widespread and the number of graduates of Tokyo University and Kyoto University will double… and
But the fears are gradually becoming a reality. I would like to introduce this with an actual example.

The other day, a certain company of a client called me after a long time, “I have something I want to discuss with you, so can you come?” “Yes, I understand. We’ll be right back.
The salesman in charge flew out with joy. So, I brought back a considerable amount of materials. That’s five or six résumés on the face of it.
While I was glad to hear that, in fact, it wasn’t that bad. It was only one employment investigation. It’s just a lot of reference material for research.

The reason is that the material attached to the resume is outside of the normal work history and
One copy of your diploma, one copy of your graduation certificate, two certificates of employment, two certificates of qualification, and one certificate of partial acceptance of the national examination.
I can’t say that it was polite, but I can say that it was brilliant… I was amazed at the neatness of the resume and the attachments that proved it.

Since we have all the information we need, the company will assume that our background is “unquestionable”.
Hiring decisions are made based on interviews only, omitting the hiring survey. I prepared a decent post and asked them to work there as an immediate helper.
However, I can’t do as much work as I thought. There are parts of the conversation that I sometimes wonder about.

So, one of our HR staff members, who had some doubts, asked us if he could come to our company for a moment…
It seems that this is the reason why he was able to do so.

We started a background check based on the history and attachments. However, as you know.
Schools will not respond to graduation verifications using personal information as a shield. Companies do not respond to tenure checks. It’s too much to handle, but it’s not enough to investigate if you raise your hand there.
The investigators are, as always, going through a lot of pains and tribulations. The result is that both universities are lies and the work experience is complete bullshit.

The reason why I found out this fact is because the format and contents of the documents he submitted were slightly different from the real ones. You know, like this.
It’s called “digging a grave.

The diploma was slightly different in wording. The certificate of graduation had a different name for the president (a different name for the president), and the certificate of tenure had a different format. I can’t tell you about the individual, but I can tell you whether it’s issued by your school or your company or not.
The form and other details are not included in the personal information, but we thank you for your cooperation.

A hilariously true story.  Who in the world has done this to me…









」、「セクハラ男ですは。どうも癖のようですネ、2社ともそれがバレて辞職させられてましてん」。  レポートの早いこと、はやいこと。


Respondent of a recruitment survey. He is 53 years old and a former managing director of a small business with about 50 employees.
As far as his resume goes, he’s a decent hire.

Findings. You can definitely do the job well on your return history.
The family seems to be on good terms with the neighbors. His personality is calm and cooperative and his thinking is normal. He’s an “all-around okay” person.

So, the investigator tries to compile the report, but for some reason he can’t finish it. The reporting deadline has already come. The salesperson was a little irritated.
What’s the matter with you?” “I don’t have any problem.
He answered my questions about his work ethic and personality without any hesitation, and I had no particular problems. But the reason for leaving.
When I asked him about the cause, he said he was too stubborn to clarify. The pen (actually, the keyboard) got stuck in the middle of it.
is not progressing.

Curious salesman. I contacted the client and asked him to extend the deadline a little.
I told the investigator that, and instructed him to proceed with the investigation until he was satisfied.

The investigator in charge consulted with the head of the investigation department about it. The manager said, “Go to the site…something’s going on…something’s going on…something’s going on…something’s going on with the employees.

Immediately went to the site, your investigator who did your company, “I understand… If you fall for something, you should go back to the beginning,” “So, how did you…
It is a sexual harassment man. It seems to be a habit, and both companies were forced to resign when they found out about it.  The faster the report, the faster it is.

Today’s events are over.







取材は慎重に慎重を要する案件であった。そこで、知人を装い先ず前々職に「○○さんお願いします・・・」と電話、  すると






A recent example of a recruitment survey (employment survey).

It’s been a long time since I received a phone call from the head of the department of a major company that had only asked me for a few cases a year, “Mr. Matsutani.
Can you do a survey on a job seeker whose only address is the name of the town? If so, are you a job seeker through a placement agency (paid employment agency)? and
You’re right…”, “I see… I can do it.
Referral agencies usually remove the details of the job seeker’s address and phone number from the resume at the time of the initial introduction.
(For the protection of personal information and to prevent direct contact with job seekers…)

Job Seeker History. After graduating from a university in the U.S., he worked for two trading companies in Japan before transferring to the company he was transferred to.
I was transferred to an affiliated company again from the company to which I was transferred, and now I am in a key position as a general manager at the company to which I was transferred.
On the other hand, someone who registers on a job-hunting website to look for a job. In the interview.
He was clear in his language and had a good attitude and seemed to be a bit of a hothead.

We started a background check immediately. But he didn’t mention his current job, and both his previous and former jobs were transferred.
He is currently on secondment to his current position, and there is a risk that his current employer will find out that he is changing jobs if he is not careful. Therefore, the
The coverage was a matter that required careful and deliberate attention. Then, I called my former job first, pretending to be an acquaintance, and said, “Mr. XX, please…”.
There is no such person…must be some kind of mistake…”, “Oh, I see, I thought it was changed to “-△”…”, “Eh…I don’t know that.
I have nothing to do with such a company or the company inside,” he replied. Investigator who feels underperforming, tries again at his previous job with the same tone
You left your job a long time ago…” “Huh, do you know where you went? “I don’t know, what’s going on?
No, I just wanted to ask you something… Um, this is ridiculous…

Here, we are back to square one and begin a full-scale investigation based on the premise of history falsification. Result.
It’s a company that has nothing to do with any of the four previous companies, and the transfer or secondment is complete bullshit. The working period is also very different.
The job responsibilities and job performance listed in the resume were also significantly improved.

In terms of work ability, she is able to do her job well, but she is very self-assertive, and she is unable to maintain harmony in the workplace.
He had run into a colleague and had to repeatedly change jobs within a year or two.

I reported on it immediately. We were able to receive a “Thank you” from the client company.
I don’t know the outcome, but I think it probably didn’t result in recruitment.

However, if they had followed the guidance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and made a decision on whether to accept or reject such a person without conducting a survey, they would have been hired without a doubt. Result.
He paid over 1 million yen (equivalent to 3 months of salary) to the referral agency and had troublemakers.
It is easy to imagine that the company would have had to go through a lot of hardship afterwards.

The next step was a hiring survey of women who had been hired. I will omit the details of the investigation, but to my surprise, they misrepresented their age by five years. Right now, I’m trying to figure out how to recruit.
It is basically no longer possible to set an age limit. However, this does not mean that it is OK to falsify your age. I don’t know if it’s simply a woman’s vanity.
It is unacceptable to falsify one’s age at the time of employment…








年齢45歳の独身男性・・・。 高卒で警察官となり30歳代で依願退職、以後職を転々と変わっている。調査結果、






Our company is a research company (credit agency) that mainly does recruitment research.
It is.

Based on the resume and work history submitted by the job seeker, whether or not the resume (academic and work history) is correct.
Is the content of your work history in line with your performance or not? The survey was conducted on the following items: personality, conduct, attendance, health, lifestyle, etc.
The purpose of this system is to determine the job skills of applicants and use them as reference materials for acceptance or rejection.

Survey fees vary slightly depending on the survey item, but usually range from 20,000 yen to 40,000 yen or more, and are delivered three or four days after the date of receipt. Clients are elementary, middle, and high school.
There are many large companies and many different industries. There is no way to say that you need to do a job search for this industry but not that industry.
There is an old saying, “A company is its people”. I don’t care how times change.
It seems to me that this word will never go out of fashion.

For your reference, here is a summary of the results (findings) of a recruitment survey we conducted this week

A 45-year-old single man… He became a police officer after graduating from high school and retired at his own request in his thirties. Findings,
When he was a police officer, he was arrested and dismissed for molesting a high school girl. Subsequent work history could not be verified with the exception of some
I don’t know what’s going on here, but the work ethic at my previous job was normal. His personality is calm and cooperative enough, but he needs to be very careful about his sexual proclivities.
The appropriateness of the service industry is questionable.

A single man of 26 years of age… He is a college graduate and has worked for three companies. Findings: “My background is as declared. He’s a bit of a young man nowadays.
He is cheerful and cooperative with his friends, but he rarely speaks to his bosses and seniors at work, even though he does not greet the local people.
There is a part of me that I can’t communicate well. However, I do what I’m told and what I’m supposed to do normally, and my diligence itself is normal.

A 38-year-old married man… He is a college graduate and has worked for one company. As a result of the investigation, “Although no direct confirmation could be obtained, we believe that the history is almost as declared.
He is a bright and outgoing person with a wide range of relationships and a good reputation both internally and externally. While his former boss declined to be interviewed for details, citing privacy concerns, his former boss
It was well received, “Someone who had no problem at all …

I’m a 50-year-old married man… He is a high school graduate and has repeatedly changed jobs, mainly at small and medium-sized companies. Findings,
There are unidentifiable parts of the work history, but the length of time I worked at my previous job and the previous job were as declared. He is a quiet and earnest person with good work ethic. However.
I have a back pain, and if I exert myself a little, my back would get worse and I would miss a few days of work. The reason for leaving my previous job was also due to back pain.
Some jobs require a lot of health care.

A 48-year-old bachelor… Someone who has worked mainly in driving, such as a taxi company. The survey found that while “he is a talkative and cheerful person,
He’s the one who was driving a cab and dropping off delivery girls on his off-duty days, and he’s very careful about his companionship.

On average, 60% of the respondents answered that they had no problems, 20% said they needed to be careful, and 20% said they were considered unsuitable.
is about 20% of the total. In practice, this ratio varies greatly from client to client, with the majority of clients having no problems and 70% having some problems.
and beyond. Anyway, this company would have been in a lot of trouble if they had decided to accept or reject the job based on the interview without conducting a recruitment survey…
There are many cases in which you may think, “I don’t know what to do.




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