














Pepper Ranch incident, a young woman who was enjoying a late night meal at a restaurant
The manager and the clerk of the store conspired to abduct and rape him. It’s an unthinkable case, but the facts are stranger than fiction, and in fact, very recently
The incident took place in Minami, Osaka.

When I heard this report, I immediately thought, “This is going to be a big social problem… However, 2.
It was only on TV and in the newspapers for three days, but before I knew it, it had stopped being talked about. It is very strange to my senses.

I think the industry, especially the stores that open late at night, have a sense of crisis………………………………..

If this were to happen in the United States, which is a litigious society, the company that runs the store would be the first to pay huge damages.
The company’s management itself seems to have fallen into a state of compromise.

So to speak, it is the user’s responsibility. If the party who brought the case
If he had a history of assaulting women before he joined the company, the company would not be able to help him in the first place. Thus, American businesses.
Conduct a thorough investigation when hiring employees. If a potential recidivist is hired without investigation and a similar crime is committed by an ex-convict
This is because not only the parties involved, but also the employer (company) will be thoroughly beaten and held responsible for compensation for damages.

It is likely that Japan will soon see a society in which such employer responsibility is strongly questioned.
The current guidance from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is completely backwards when it comes to surveys: “Surveys in employment are undesirable because they may lead to discrimination.

Do they really think that in this day and age, recruitment surveys intended to discriminate against tribe members are actually being conducted…?
It is hard to understand.

Currently, employment surveys focus on the applicant’s aptitude and abilities, whether or not the statements on the resume are true, and whether or not the applicant is a good candidate.
They’re looking at your resume to make sure you’re not lying, your performance at your previous job, the reason for leaving, how well you work with your colleagues, where you’re from, what your ancestors are like, etc.
There is no research company that would do such an archaic investigation. Also, there is no such request.

In spite of this, the administration has been fervently advertising at every opportunity, as if “there is no end to discrimination investigations” as if it has been a decade and a day.
The leadership of the administration has amazing power. For that reason, I want them to take full responsibility for the things I teach them.

I’m not sure what the background of the Pepper Ranch case is, but if it was a case that could have been avoided if the pre-employment investigation had been conducted properly
I wonder how the government, especially the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, which has been instructing people not to investigate, will respond.




「与信調査」。 与信というのは調査業界ではごく一般的に使われている言葉であるが、









A “credit check. Credit is a term commonly used in the research industry, but
Apparently, not so much in the world. You can’t find it in an ordinary Japanese dictionary when you unpack the dictionary. The Kojien (Japanese Dictionary) says, as it should, “To give credit.
But apparently it’s not very common.

Credit check = credit check, more commonly known as a credit check. so to speak.
It is a survey that examines the creditworthiness of the counterparty in a business transaction.

Credit checks can be divided into two main categories
There is a business credit check and a personal credit check.
In the industry, credit checks for corporate companies are called corporate credit checks, and credit checks for unincorporated individual companies are classified as personal credit checks.

We also perform credit checks on a daily basis, but we specialize in human resources checks, so-called personnel checks, employment checks, recruitment checks (related to job hunting), and personal appearance checks. Perhaps because of this, when clients ask for a credit check, they are more interested in “what kind of person the manager is” than in the company’s sales and profits. We receive many requests to check a manager’s creditworthiness.

“A company is its people.
It’s not a pillow word. It goes without saying that even in a large company with tens of thousands of employees, the attitude and way of thinking of one manager can determine the life or death of the company. This is how great the power of a single person can be. Therefore, many clients who are aware of this tend to look at the person in charge rather than the numbers.

Recently, however, in Japan, it has been said that investigating people, so-called “personnel investigations”, should not be carried out because of human rights and privacy issues. I don’t know who said it, but when you arbitrarily decide things from a one-sided perspective, this is what happens.

However, even those who cry out for refusal of personnel checks do not say that “personal credit checks” are bad. It’s a funny story.
A personal credit check is a personnel check, it’s just called differently. The term “personal credit check” is used by those who specialize in credit checks such as data banks, and “personnel check” and “personal background check” are used by detective agencies and recruitment agencies, and “membership check” is used depending on the nature of the request. Although the name of the survey is different, the content of the survey is essentially the same. The reason is that in order to check an individual’s credibility, we need to look at his or her background, personality, assets, surrounding reputation (public reputation, reputation of related parties), and friendships, and it is no different from a general personnel or personal investigation.

I had previously discussed with the administration a booklet published by the Labor Department called “Recruitment and Human Rights. I still vividly remember the exchange that took place.
It says that background checks (background checks) should not be done because they may lead to discrimination. What is the definition of identity (identity) that the administration says…?” he asked. However, no apparent answer came back to me.
So, “Identity (identity) is used differently depending on the individual’s interpretation…? Some people interpret identity as referring to the place of origin or parentage, while others interpret identity as examining the place of origin or parentage, while others interpret it in the sense of a guarantor and understand it as referring to everything about a person, from his or her personality to his or her behavior. Some people refer to a background check as a background check. Some people sometimes use the phrase “I am sure of my identity…” with an emphasis on credibility. In the hiring investigation, we mainly look into the background check, personality, work performance, reasons for leaving the company, and friendships, and some people call this investigation a background check.

I believe that the industry must promote the “no, no, no, let’s not do Buraoka discrimination surveys” movement even more.











One of our services is called a “membership survey” (membership rights survey).
A survey to determine whether or not a prospective member of a resort club or golf club is suitable to be a member of that club.
This kind of survey is called a membership survey.

This is also a hiring survey (employment survey).
Similarly, it is one of the most important tasks in our business. Even luxury clubs, such as golf clubs and leisure clubs.
By allowing even one unworthy member to join the club.
The status of that club can be reduced to zero.

Therefore, the management company is very nervous about how to maintain the status of the club.
In spite of the trial and error of various measures, such as requiring referrals as a condition of admission and taking time for interviews and pre-checking, we have been trying to find the best way to make the best use of the time.
One of the ways to do this is to check how people use the baths by organizing overnight stays and hands-on play. Well, as you might have guessed.
It is one of the criteria to decide whether or not to enter a large bath.

Therefore, if there is a management company of the super frugal type that lists the person who did not use the big bath and requests an investigation, there is also a management company of the super frugal type that gives the status maintenance the highest priority and does not use the big bath.
Some companies survey all prospective members.

Recently, there have been a lot of unexpected problems with this kind of membership survey. Our unique checking system allows us to
A lot of criminals and malcontents get hit.

However, even if they have the same name and are the same age, they are not necessarily the same person. So I’m going to do a little more research and try to get some kind of confirmation, but
The walls on the grounds of privacy were thick and the hardships became very much to be overcome.
The law provides that “any person may request a grant upon a showing of cause.
The mayor of each municipality does not first respond to requests for issuance on the grounds of a survey, even if it is confirmed by family register or residence certificate.
The reality is that it takes a lot of time and effort to finalize it.










This is our main job, “recruitment research”. The so-called “resume and work history” submitted by the job seeker.
If so, what is the difference between the two places? The same goes for your resume, whether it is correct or not.
This is the first stage of the investigation, and the rest of the investigation includes attendance (attendance and attitude toward work), reasons for resignation, job performance, character and behavior.
The job is to check the health of the person for the past 10 years and report it in a report.

It’s not such a hard job. An investigator will be able to do one thing in a year’s time. After that, however, it’s very difficult.
If a person is able to do one thing, that’s fine, but that’s the end of the story for that person.

A hiring survey is different from a mere background check; what the client is really looking for is the material to make a decision. “I don’t know if you’re going to be useful in the job.
It’s not good if it’s not positive, but it’s not good if it’s negative…” That’s how I feel, and it’s meaningless if it doesn’t become a reference material for that.

However, it is not easy to examine and judge a person from the side. So to speak, I was able to cover the whole thing, but…
You can tell if the person is telling the truth or not, not only by their words but also by their expression and tone of voice.
You have to be able to respond flexibly and flexibly to the atmosphere of the situation, and get the other person on board to say something that is not only superficial but also “Actually…
It doesn’t mean that you have to listen persistently, but it doesn’t mean anything if you offend them.
The truth is that it takes a great deal of effort and time to be able to write an accurate report with both speed and content.

There are many veterans who have been investigators for 20 or 30 years, but few of them are really good at their jobs. It’s also.
It’s not so much about whether you’re good or bad at your job, but rather the way you approach your work and the way you think on a daily basis. So to speak, what do you want to do and what do you want to achieve?
I think this way of thinking is the golden key to being able to do a job.

This is not limited to investigators, but it may be the same for the whole work…







そこで、「そのテクニックとは・・・」と書きたいところだが、 ”それを書いちゃーおしまいだよ!”

Continued from last week.

As already mentioned, from the flow of personal information protection, human resource surveys (hiring surveys,
It has become very difficult to conduct an employment survey, but it is no business to say, “It’s too difficult to do. On the contrary.
The true feeling of the customer is that “I’m asking because it’s difficult.

The biggest challenge for the researcher is to find out how to get information out of people who don’t respond.
The research skills will be put to the test. However, there are some company policies that stipulate that “no personal matters shall be dealt with without the consent of the individual”.
We can’t get started even if we try to explain the interpretation of the Personal Information Protection Law, and we can’t get started even if we ask them to do so with a low profile. How can I…
It takes a great deal of technique to get the information out in a way that doesn’t seem like an investigative interview.

So, I could write, “What’s that technique…” but I’m done writing that!”
I don’t have time to write about it because the head of our company’s demon department is glaring at me sideways. I’m really sorry about this.





  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
