







私は若いころからのあこがれの一つに「入院」というのが有った。何を、そんなバカな、と思われるかもしれないが 、正直そうであった。何故かというに、病気の事は別にして、入院すれば、3食昼寝付き。ベッドで寝ているのが仕事で、何もすることは出来ない。すると一日中好きな本を読み、眠気が来たら寝ればいい。何かしたくてもすることが出来ない、一つの檻の中である。実際はどうか知らないが、単純な私の頭では、そのように考えている。




First time in hospital

It’s been 73 years since I was born in this world in 1947. If you count the years, it is quite a long time, but if you ask me, “What have I accomplished? I have been blessed with good health. However, I have been blessed with good health, and I have never been seriously ill or injured, and I have never been hospitalized in 73 years.

I have never been hospitalized in 73 years. Recently, I have come to feel that “people always die. It is my daily routine to read through the newspaper every morning, and I always come across an obituary. Naturally, the obituaries are of famous people. Even I know their names, but most of them are in their 80s. Whenever I come in contact with such obituaries, I think, “People are dying. That’s not to say that I don’t care. It’s just that I think so….

This is the first time in my 73 years of life that I have been hospitalized.

One of my longings since I was young has been to be hospitalized. You may think this is ridiculous, but to be honest, it was. The reason is that, apart from the illness, if you are hospitalized, you get three meals and a nap. It’s your job to stay in bed and not do anything. Then you can read your favorite book all day and go to sleep when you feel sleepy. You are in a cage where you can’t do anything even if you wanted to. I don’t know how it really is, but that’s how my simple mind sees it.

Therefore, I wanted to experience life in a hospital, just once. I could read as much as I wanted and sleep as much as I wanted. That would finally come true. Although it will only be five nights and six days, my longing days will begin tomorrow. Especially since it was the Corona vortex, I was not allowed to see my wife or children. I’ll be on my own, with three meals and a nap.

As for my illness, I don’t feel any pain or itch. I even enjoyed a full day of golf yesterday and finished with the best result in the last three years. However, the doctor said I needed to be hospitalized for tests, so that’s what I’m doing.







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  • 見積依頼


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