









 話は変わるが、昨日、交野カントリークラブの新年杯ゴルフコンペに参加。受付前で支配人が元気よく、「おめでとうございます、本年も宜しく !」と迎えてくれた。こちらも元気よく挨拶を返し、受付で名前を書くと、綺麗なカウンター嬢が、「松谷さん、今年からゴルフ場利用税が免除になりますので、この書類をお書き下さい・・・」。横で聞いていた支配人が、「嬉しいやら、悲しいやら・・・」とちゃかす。アッそうか、70歳か?。ほんと、嬉しくもあり、悲しくもあり、トボトボとロッカー室へ・・・。













Happy New Year to you!

I’m not very good at blogging, but I’m going to try to update this blog once a week. We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation.

If you’ve been reading this blog, then yes, you’re the only one I can count on. Because there is no one else who can see it but you….

It seems that we could see a beautiful first day sunrise in Osaka on New Year’s Day this year…? But since I stayed up until after 12 o’clock on New Year’s Eve, I couldn’t see the first sunrise because I woke up slowly. However, as a New Year’s Day event, I visit a Bodhi temple (Jizoji or Shingon sect) in the morning of New Year’s Day every year and listen to the sermon of the priest. At the temple, the priest started his sermon by saying, “The first sunrise of the first day was beautiful today, wasn’t it?

Just like the first sunrise, the economic world this year seems to be in good spirits… Yesterday’s big open started with the Nikkei 225 gaining just over 700 yen in one day, and today it’s up again. The Dow average is also up, which is a bit different from last year. The stock market does not necessarily reflect the real economy, but when the stock market is bustling, it definitely has some impact on the real economy. It would be decent to say that the stock market reflects the real economy, but the current financial market does not seem to do so. But in any case, it’s good to be in good spirits.

By the way, I participated in the New Year’s Cup Golf Competition at the Katano Country Club yesterday. In front of the reception, the manager said cheerfully, “Congratulations and good luck this year! He was greeted with a As I wrote my name at the reception desk, the beautiful lady behind the counter said, “Mr. Matsutani, please fill out this document as the golf course tax will be exempted from this year… The manager, who was listening at the side, teased, “It’s both happy and sad… Oh, yeah? You’re 70? I was both happy and sad, and I went to the locker room in a huff…

His average score last year was 86.7 (43 rounds). I think he’s a Marmer for his age, but I think he still has plenty of room to grow, and I’ve been reflecting on him every round. In particular, the result in the korino, which is the home course, was bad, and it hit 92 yesterday, and it was the start of only reflection at that time, but I will definitely ride the upward trend this year like the stock price at the beginning of the year.

We look forward to seeing you again this year.

My family’s gatematsu. Isn’t it splendid…? The best part is that the three bamboos are smiling with their mouths wide open, and this is the one my daughter’s husband’s father sent me from Okayama.

Our eldest son, Kotaro (born on January 3, 2011, Pome 7 years old) made his debut in this year’s New Year’s card.

Wonderful, thank you very much for your guidance and encouragement.






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