





一月場所は小生と同郷の「隠岐の海 歩」が11勝4敗と大活躍し敢闘賞受賞の栄誉に輝いた。隠岐の島から幕内力士誕生は有史以来のこと。しかも、11勝を上げ敢闘賞など、天地の騒ぎである。





The Japan Sumo Association is in an uproar over the 8-hyangulation issue, but my heart is in an uproar too.

In the Ichigetsu tournament, “Oki no Umi Ayumu” from my hometown won 11 victories and 4 defeats, and was honored to win the Fighting Championship. It is the first time in history that a makuuchi rikishi was born on the island of Oki. In addition, he won 11 victories and won the Fighting Championship.

So, with a firm determination to cheer for the next Osaka tournament with a banner, I’ve already arranged for a ticket. Nonetheless, even holding the event is in jeopardy because of the commotion. I don’t know…

The people of Oki Island realized that the national sport of Japan, Ozumou, was turning into the national sport of Mongolia before they knew it. Since ancient times, the island of Oki has been known as a sumo resort. Whenever there is a good event, the people of Oki are still fighting all night to celebrate it, and it is called “classic sumo”.

The people of Oki Island are now sending three wrestlers (Oki no Umi, Oki no Fuji and Mukai Ryota) to the Sumo Association, including “Oki no Umi” (Oki no Fuji and Mukai no Ryota), and they are planning to send one young wrestler as young as 18 this year, and they are in the midst of a plot to somehow take back Japan’s national sport from Mongolia. In terms of population, Oki is probably contributing the most to Dai Sumo now…

In fact, the revival of the Oki Islands was entrusted to the Japan Sumo Association, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology must be well aware of this fact and think about it. My relative’s 90-plus year old grandmother, however, enjoys watching sumo tournaments. He has promised to watch the next Osaka tournament together on the pavement, and if this is cancelled, he may lose the will to live. A person’s life is heavier than the earth’s, Renho, please think about this…






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