



ヨグマタ 相川圭子

一昨日の夜、大阪の産業創造館にてヨグマタ 相川圭子の講演があり、拝聴してきた。ヨグマタジの講演を聞くのは3回目であるが、ただただ聴き入るばかり。全くの自然体で何の気どりもなく、淡々とお話しなさる。自ら悟った真理の話を、在野の人にも分かるように、具体的に話してくださる。真理を悟った人というのは、こうなのだろうな・・とつくづく思う。




The night before last, there was a lecture by Yogmata Keiko Aikawa at the Industrial Creation Hall in Osaka. This is the third time I’ve listened to Yogmatazi’s lecture, and I couldn’t stop listening to it. He speaks in a completely natural manner, without a hint of hesitation. He tells the story of the truth that he has realized in concrete terms so that people in the field can understand it. I think this is what a person who has realized the truth is like.

Yogmata Aikawa Keiko (https://www.science.ne.jp/).

If you are interested, please listen. He speaks at various places in Japan quite often. He is also the author of many books.

Tenpou Nakamura, whom I admire, originally studied and practiced yoga philosophy, then systematized the Unification of Mind and Body based on his own enlightenment and experience, and worked for the happiness of all people and world peace. The truth was one that made me feel deeply.














A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders in July of this year. Therefore, I feel that this is the lightest time in my life.

But I’m not feeling so good. There is a constant feeling of dizziness. I don’t seem to get tired easily when I’m over 70, and my physical strength is not vigorous.

But the heart is different. Just because your body is tired doesn’t mean you need to make your mind tired, but at least your mind and spirit should always be in good spirits.

What made me feel so much lighter was that I resigned from my Rotary club presidency at the end of June of this year. This seems to have been a considerable burden for me…

This was not the case when I was in charge, but after I left the company, I realize that it is true. My current sense of relief shows it more than anything else. But now my shoulders are sore and I’m suffering from dull pain when I wake up in the middle of the night.

I was back in the country a month and a half ago, and I slipped my foot in the moss, and was brilliantly killed. When I covered my head and put my hands behind my back, I hurt a muscle in my upper arm and have not been able to raise my arm properly since.

He lifted his shoulders, but instead a dull pain tugged at his shoulder. Where there is comfort, there is pain…

As I was writing this blog, an investigator said to me, “Mr. Chairman, the report is up, please inspect it. So I went downstairs to the investigation room and opened the report, and to my surprise, it was a report on the results of a hiring survey for a 28-year-old man. A recent high school graduate with a history of declaring that he had worked for a construction company for 10 years, the survey found that he had worked for the construction company in his declaration for only one week. In addition, he was absent from work without permission and unilaterally asked to resign by phone the next day. Therefore, there was no such thing as good or bad diligence. By the way, what has this man been doing for the last 10 years… I suppose it means that he has been living a life that is totally unrecordable?
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***






I encourage you to visit the website of the Tenpukai (a.k.a. the Tenpukai Foundation) and subscribe to the newsletter of one story a day from Dr. Tenpukai.

If you apply, you will receive an email newsletter every morning at 7am. First things first, read this story a day at a time. Without a doubt, you will be able to live a bright, energetic and spirited life.










The reunion was held on September 29 and 30 at the shore of Lake Biwa.

This reunion was held for the same class of students who graduated from Kuroki Junior High School (Nishinoshima-cho, Oki-gun) in March 1963. The total number of graduates was 120, of which 17 participated in the event. It’s a little lonely, but we decided to do it every year after the age of 60, and only the people who can afford it get together comfortably, and it’s not a big deal.

This reunion was triggered 30 years ago when I was 42 years old and has been held every five years ever since. As expected, more than 60 people, half of whom were present at the beginning, were the largest number. Since then, 30-40 people have gathered, but the participation rate has gradually declined, and now it is less than 20%.

But it doesn’t matter how old you are, junior high school reunions are just like any other reunion, where old men and women in their seventies return to their fifteenth year as toddlers and call out to each other and laugh incessantly.

Therefore, I attend all gatherings that are called reunions. I am proud to say that I have never missed any reunion and I am a 100% honors student. He has been able to cover his skips while he was a student and keep his balance.

I am blessed with good health, a good family and job, and a lot of freedom in terms of time.


























It’s been three weeks. Although I was concerned about it, I couldn’t take the time to update it, and tomorrow will be tomorrow, which means that I haven’t seen it for three weeks after all. Maybe no one cares, but…..

In my last blog, I wrote about how I enjoyed boat fishing back in the countryside. In fact, on the way back from Osaka in the morning after visiting a grave, I was caught by a moss on the way back from a downhill slope. Is there a God or a Buddha? No, no, no, no.

However, after returning to Osaka, I was very busy with business-related matters. The week after I returned to Osaka, I held an education and training session for the National Federation of Surveyors’ Associations in Hokkaido. The following week, I had to attend an educational training session of the Tokyo Surveyors Association in Tokyo as a companion, and from that weekend, a training session organized by the Tenpukai Nagoya Association was held at the Ena Villa in Gifu over two nights and three days.

Therefore, it is also true that it was difficult to take the time.

A sunrise taken from a country house. The photo was taken from 20:00-22:00 on September 2. On the day before the famous moon in mid-autumn, the long awaited moonlight beauty began to bloom. This moonlight beauty blooms once a year for about 8 hours only today. It is an extremely ephemeral life, but there is something inexplicably compelling about it all.




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