









It is soon the end of my business. I was planning to pay the bill on the 29th as usual, but apparently many people end the bill on the 27th. But our company…
I was going to do my best, but there was no job offer. I couldn’t take two days to clean it, so I decided to finish it today.

I would like to thank all of you who have been reading “The President’s Blog of a Research Company” for a year.
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m sure someone somewhere will read it so I can continue, thank you so much, thank you so much.

Last Saturday, I went to the library to check out a book as I saw fit. This time, we have about four weeks to rent out the equipment because of the New Year.
So I greedily borrowed six books, twice as many as usual. One of those books is “To the Stranger’s Wife” by Jiro Asada. Jiro Asada’s thoughts on “To the Stranger’s Wife” and my
The desire to send “to you, a stranger,” is no less than the best. I will try to update this site at least once a week in the next year, so please keep up the good work.

Nevertheless, it’s been a tough year. In general, the economy seems to have entered a sharp recession after the Lehman shock in September, but
Our company has been in a continuous decline since January this year. There was never a single month when it turned positive compared to the same month last year. “The information industry is always one step ahead of the curve.
Although I always think “I’m not going to get ahead of the recession”, I have definitely gotten ahead of it, even though I don’t want to get ahead of anything until the recession. How dare you…
But I can’t help what I took away. So next year, I’m going to make a concerted effort to get ahead of the boom. The world.
We are in a position to repay the recession ahead of time, even though the next year will be difficult.
That responsibility has to be fulfilled at all costs…

Then, I wish you a Happy New Year… With love to you, a stranger.











This year’s Chinese character was decided to be “Hari”.
It was a year when the word “change” or “change” was used in many ways and it became a hot topic, but my impression is that
I think it was a “strange” year of “something strange” rather than “change” or “change”…..

The image we get from the words “change” and “change
Personally, I’ve been feeling self-motivated and proactive toward the destination, and last year’s “fake
The impression is much more positive and upbeat than those of the

However, the image I felt this year was one of “something strange”.
It was only “weird”.
I remember writing about it in this blog, but the main thing is that the price of gasoline is 200 yen per liter, which is the result of the unreasonable rise in crude oil prices.
My hometown, Oki-no-jima, had a high price of 230 yen, but now it is down to less than 100 yen. 100% in one year.
It is nothing more than speculation, such as the wild fluctuations of the As long as the speculation only runs in the speculation muscle, that’s good.
The money games of the financial players who earn money without sweating it out, as seen in this sudden recession, affect the real economy and lead to an unexpected and sudden recession.
To an economic tone deaf like me, all I can think is “something’s wrong”.

And so is the idea of “personal information” and “privacy.
Without explaining why personal information and privacy are important, they just shout about the protection of personal information and privacy in the dark.
There are many people who are waving “human rights” as a banner. Human Rights.
There is also something strange about the rampant disregard for human rights and human rights violations while shouting “I don’t know what’s wrong”.

The same is true of “family register” and “residence certificate” problems…
If the principle of disclosure of family registers and residency records were to be broken down, it would seem that the very purpose of their existence would be to prevent the illegal acquisition and misuse of some of them.
The harsh treatment that can only be seen as the abolition of the openness principle and the “evil
We are constructing a system that will allow the spread of I can only say that there’s something wrong with it.
I’ve heard that Osaka Prefecture is trying to create a system for notifying the person to obtain a family register. That’s what I’m talking about.
It is an outrage tantamount to creating a firebrand manufacturing plant for “contention. The governor is a lawyer.
It may be a woo-hah with more strife, but I would like to see them dig a little deeper and think carefully.

First name, age, address, background, status
We need to leave a system that allows a person other than the person in question to check the parent-child relationship, etc.
It would be a strange society in which fraud is commonplace. As I wrote on this blog the other day, it is now easy to forge any kind of certificates.
Family registers, residency cards, driver’s licenses, resumes, and business cards can be made at will. However.
If it is difficult for anyone other than the person in question to obtain proof of identity and address, such as a family register or certificate of residence, and if the person’s background needs to be verified with the consent of the person in question, it is difficult for the person in question to obtain proof of identity and address.
It’s more obvious that lies get away with it than fire. That said, it’s not a good feeling to be able to look into anyone’s own affairs. So, personal information.
Using privacy and human rights as a shield, we will create a system that says, “We will not be able to search you,” or “If someone is searching you, we will let you know.
When asked, “Yes, it’s a good thing,” everyone agrees. Of course, it is good if everyone is good and does not lie, but it is not so easy in the world.
However, even if you feel that something is wrong or that you are being deceived.
If they create a system that can’t be examined, there’s nothing you can do about it. I don’t know where or what anyone’s intentions are.
There is no doubt that such a society is on the verge of being created and has reached a certain stage. Anyway, “Something’s wrong.

This year’s whispering end.





その中、東京の行き返りで読んだ本が、「太郎が恋をする頃までには・・・」(栗原美和子 筆)。


It is said that December is “so busy that even the master is running”, which is true. Super busy, the “what,
The “cash flow” is what the Kansai people used to say, and until last year, we used to joke around with each other about the cash flow.
The end of the year doesn’t go so well. The recession that followed the Lehman shock was so rapid that
My friends, who had laughed off a few things with jokes, were still not looking well. So.
I was invited to a year-end party a lot.
Last week was the sixth consecutive day of drinking from Sunday to Friday. It was the second day in Tokyo and the fourth day in Osaka.

One of the books I read on my way back to Tokyo was “By the time Taro falls in love…” (written by Miwako Kurihara).
The beginning of the book was like…what the hell…but as I read on, I was so engrossed in it that I couldn’t even see the characters.
I rolled my eyes at the scenery from the train window and fought back tears, and so on. The reason why I was so impressed is because…
I thought of it as a non-fiction socialist private novel because of its writing style. In reality, however.
I had mixed non-fiction and fiction and found it to be a private novel, which gave me mixed feelings. “You can’t have this…
Huh? It’s like this.

But the day before last Saturday, at the finale of Rotary’s District 2660 district conference, I heard Shinobu Sato singing, and even though it was the same tears, it was very different.
Honestly, it was the first time in my 60 years of life that I could say that I was moved to tears by the song and the voice. The next thing you know, you’re bursting into tears…
It was an indescribable impression.












笑い話のような本当の話。  こんな世間に誰がした・・・・♪ 。

What I had feared came true. As I wrote on this blog before, from the current trend of personal information protection and human rights, “resume fraud” will become widespread and the number of graduates of Tokyo University and Kyoto University will double… and
But the fears are gradually becoming a reality. I would like to introduce this with an actual example.

The other day, a certain company of a client called me after a long time, “I have something I want to discuss with you, so can you come?” “Yes, I understand. We’ll be right back.
The salesman in charge flew out with joy. So, I brought back a considerable amount of materials. That’s five or six résumés on the face of it.
While I was glad to hear that, in fact, it wasn’t that bad. It was only one employment investigation. It’s just a lot of reference material for research.

The reason is that the material attached to the resume is outside of the normal work history and
One copy of your diploma, one copy of your graduation certificate, two certificates of employment, two certificates of qualification, and one certificate of partial acceptance of the national examination.
I can’t say that it was polite, but I can say that it was brilliant… I was amazed at the neatness of the resume and the attachments that proved it.

Since we have all the information we need, the company will assume that our background is “unquestionable”.
Hiring decisions are made based on interviews only, omitting the hiring survey. I prepared a decent post and asked them to work there as an immediate helper.
However, I can’t do as much work as I thought. There are parts of the conversation that I sometimes wonder about.

So, one of our HR staff members, who had some doubts, asked us if he could come to our company for a moment…
It seems that this is the reason why he was able to do so.

We started a background check based on the history and attachments. However, as you know.
Schools will not respond to graduation verifications using personal information as a shield. Companies do not respond to tenure checks. It’s too much to handle, but it’s not enough to investigate if you raise your hand there.
The investigators are, as always, going through a lot of pains and tribulations. The result is that both universities are lies and the work experience is complete bullshit.

The reason why I found out this fact is because the format and contents of the documents he submitted were slightly different from the real ones. You know, like this.
It’s called “digging a grave.

The diploma was slightly different in wording. The certificate of graduation had a different name for the president (a different name for the president), and the certificate of tenure had a different format. I can’t tell you about the individual, but I can tell you whether it’s issued by your school or your company or not.
The form and other details are not included in the personal information, but we thank you for your cooperation.

A hilariously true story.  Who in the world has done this to me…






十三の人は皆そうやで。知る知らないに関係なく、朝顔を合わせれば、お早うございます、 夕方顔を合わせれば、今晩は・・、お休みなさい・・




Juso” in Osaka
There is a downtown area called “the city”. Located in the northern part of Osaka City, it is a very ordinary town peculiar to Osaka, extending on the north bank of the Yodo River. It’s very different from downtown Tokyo.
It is also different from the downtown area in the south of Osaka. I don’t remember who sang it, but it was a long time ago, “Thirteen Sisters.
There was a song that was popularly sung, “I’m not going to be able to do this. It’s a town with a unique taste that is so unique that it becomes a song.

On that thirteenth day, I asked for an acquaintance. In the evening, as I walked down an alleyway a short distance from the main street toward an acquaintance’s house, I saw
There is a man who is standing and urinating without blinking his eyes, and I don’t feel good about it, but I have no choice but to go past him on one road.
‘Good evening…’ says a voice.
I looked around, but there was no one there, just him and me, who were standing on the floor. That means…he said, “Good evening…” to me. He was a complete stranger, and he was peeing himself. Usually.
I returned the greeting when he greeted me, but as expected, I withdrew this time and passed by without saying a word.

I met an acquaintance and told her about it. “I’m meeting a crazy person.
There’s a strange person in Juso…” and the acquaintance said, “What are you talking about?
Everyone in thirteen is like that. Whether you know it or not, if you see each other in the morning, good morning, if you see each other in the evening, good night…
. Everyone chats to each other. All young people do that. “Are you serious?
It’s true…”, “Really…”, “Don’t we have to know each other? “Yeah, you don’t have to know me.
Some people talk to them about how they couldn’t sleep yesterday.
this and that.

Apparently, the strangest person was me. From his point of view.
You can’t just stand there and say hello to someone without their knowledge…

As soon as I heard the story, I felt an indescribable familiarity with him (around 40 years old), and I wanted to turn around and say, “Good evening… At the same time.
I’ve come to like the city of 13 somehow.




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