










One of the most important aspects of the employment investigation is to check whether the applicant’s resume and work history are correct or not, so-called declaration history.

However, when I peeked at the website, I found the question, “Are background checks permissible or not? A number of things have been written and discussed under such headlines as In the article, the authors stated plausible things such as “The Personal Information Protection Law says…”.

What I wonder, however, is that the background check in the hiring process is not a new background check, but rather a confirmation of the correctness of what the candidate has declared “My history is as it is”. Nevertheless, there is a lot of debate about the Personal Information Protection Act.

If the law regulates the process of confirming what the person declares to be true and correct, then we do not know what is true and correct when it comes to the individual.

In this sense, both the Family Registration Act and the Basic Resident Registration Act have similarities, with the family register proving a person’s status and the certificate of residence proving a person’s current address. The principle of disclosure of family registers and residence certificates has not been upset, and even third parties have an interest in them, and can obtain them if the necessity is recognized.

Even if a married person pretends to be single and is in a relationship, it is difficult to confirm that he is married or not, even if he applies for a job by perjuring his background, it is difficult to check his background, and basically the only way to get a job is to believe what he says, which is the reality of Japanese society today. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Personal Information Protection Act, the Family Registration Act, and the Basic Resident Registration Act are all responsible for the protection of personal information, but the truth is not that the law is wrong, but that the public’s understanding and use of the law is largely driven by a self-interested society.






  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
