














 今実施されている採用調査は、本人の能力、資質に重点を置き、提出された履歴の確認、前職での勤怠状況、退職時のトラブルの有無、反社系の有無、申告住所の居住確認等が主なもので、 本籍地や原籍地にふれることは無く、家柄や血統などを調べることもない。かと言って、この採用調査は身元調査で無いかといえば、そうでは無く、多分に身元調査の範疇に含まれると思う。








Again, a thought on “fair hiring” guided by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

What is “fairness” in the first place? According to the Daijirin (Japanese dictionary), it means “to be righteous without any unevenness” or “to be clear and correct”. So to speak, there should be no bias at the hiring stage, and it is important that the selection process is correct and unbiased. That’s why I don’t think they would ever say, “Don’t look into what the applicant is actually like (background check).

In reality, however, this is not the case, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has instructed that “no background checks should be conducted when hiring.

Why? This was decades ago, but it was because of the fact that recruitment surveys at that time were conducted and reported on surveys that led to discrimination, such as the place of residence and the occupation of the parents, regardless of the abilities and qualifications of the person needed for the job.

However, that was 40 to 50 years ago, and both companies and research companies have deeply reflected on past mistakes and have thoroughly implemented the policy that they do not conduct surveys that lead to discrimination against the Buraku people at the time of hiring, and that they do not report anything they find that could lead to discrimination. However, about 20 years ago in Osaka, an investigative company that was conducting a recruitment survey that led to discrimination against Buraku people was exposed through a whistleblower, and it became a big problem.

Because of this, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) says that such a thing must never happen again and still asks all companies not to conduct background checks. It is also done politely every year.

However, it is still unclear to what extent the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare refers to the background check here. The so-called “background check” is not clearly defined.

Decades ago, I once asked a government agency for a definition of a “background check” in writing and asked for a written response, but it took more than six months to get a response, and in the end the answer was “there is no definition.

How can you regulate it without a definition? However, when it comes to human rights issues, it is quite ambiguous.

From this perspective, it seems that the “background check” used by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is also used without a definition. In some cases, a background check refers to the investigation of the place of origin, source, birth, family background, family history, ancestry, bloodline, etc. In other cases, a background check refers to the investigation of background, character and conduct, etc. The term “background check” is sometimes used to refer collectively to any investigation of a person, such as a background check, background check, background check, recruitment check, employment check, marriage check, and conduct check. It is also used to verify or guarantee the identity of a person. So to speak, the word “identity” is used in many different ways, depending on the person using it and the circumstances, and even if it is vaguely referred to as a background check, it is unclear to what extent and to what extent.

The current hiring survey focuses on the abilities and qualities of the person, and mainly includes confirmation of the submitted history, work performance at previous jobs, any problems at the time of resignation, whether or not there are any anti-social affiliations, and the residence of the declared address. The survey does not touch on the person’s legal domicile or place of birth, nor does it examine the person’s family background or bloodline. That being said, I don’t think this hiring investigation is a background check, but it’s not, and it’s probably within the scope of a background check.

The hiring surveys that companies are now requesting from us are being conducted for the purpose of fair hiring, and are completely different from those that are intended to discriminate.

If all of the resumes and resumes were correct and accurate, and all of the statements made in interviews were true, there would be no need to do a job search, but in reality this is not the case. Similarly, reports made during interviews are often far from the truth, and the reality is that a fair selection cannot be made without a recruitment investigation.

At least, I don’t think false resumes and false declarations should be allowed to go unchecked as is, but why does the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare instruct “please don’t do” a hiring survey?

The reason for this is that “it could lead to discrimination”. It’s true that there is no such thing as 100% fear, but we can’t say for sure.

However, if we regulate things with “fear”, won’t that probably lead to a politics of fear and a society of fear? This is my personal opinion, but I don’t think it’s possible to say, “Just because a kitchen knife is used in a murder, it doesn’t mean that we should ban the manufacture and use of kitchen knives because they may lead to a murder. When it comes to “discrimination,” however, it seems that the prevailing opinion is that anything that has a potential for discrimination is a no-no.

I would like you to think seriously about it once again…
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***






  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
