















From the week before last to the week after last, I spent a week back on my home island of Oki. The purpose was to land the boat that had been floating since early spring, but that was just an excuse; in fact, he was looking forward to going out fishing more than anything else. However, the winter seas on the Sea of Japan are rough, and when I returned home, the seas were quite rough, and the 3,000-ton ferry was rocking heavily as it was being hit by the waves. Therefore, the next day was a major climactic event, and all ships between the mainland and the Oki Islands were out of service. The Oki Islands had been turned into an island of drifters.

As a result, we stayed for a week, but only got to go fishing for one day. But the sea in winter is interesting. The waves are high, but you can catch some big fish. This time, we tried jigging, a type of fishing gear.

The fish is fished at a depth of about 100 meters off the coast. Two large hooks are attached to the end of a weighted 150-gram fish, and the hooks are shanked and lifted (to make the fish appear to be swimming) up to about 50 meters above the sea floor. Therefore, if you stay in the fishery for 5 hours, you can’t stop shoveling the rod for 5 hours. This is a lot of physical work.

However, the bounce when it is caught (when it is caught) is great. It’s an instant gurgling, intense pluck. The rest is a desperate struggle. However, it is hard to say what the real pleasure is when you pull it up to the bottom of the boat and scoop it up with tamo. Yes, it’s hard to say.

Ken Kiguchi would have been able to express this feeling well in literature, but I can’t say anything but “I can’t say anything” with my ability…. Just googly-googly…

That feeling still lingers in my hands.

Three to four kilograms of white shark (before yellowtail). In five hours, he caught ten white-tailed fish of about the same size.

The next day after I returned to Osaka, I had a golf competition at Arima Royal by the Tenpukai, but my arm was quite sore. However, the pain may have been a good thing, because he won the Vesglo.


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