




今週は、火・水曜と東京に出張していた。で、昨日は大変、朝9時過ぎビルの11階に居て、メールを打っていたら、ぐらぐら、グラグラ。 東北地震以前だと、少々グラグラっと来ても、 地震か? くらいの感覚であったが、以後は感じ方が可也違う。一瞬グッと構え、自信の大きさに全神経を注ぐと云った感じである。 幸い、震度3・4程度でおさまったが、どうも災害に対する、潜在意識が最近大分変わって来ている様に思う。



すると、彼ら3人、ホッとした感じで、直ぐにまた打合せを再開したが、その時感じた・・・。やっぱり皆が相当敏感になっているな・・・と。だって、反応が全然違うんだもの。 しかも、地震と云えば、直ぐに大地震を想定してしまうみたいだネ。

尚、昨日は、夕方、大阪に帰ろうと東京駅に着き、新幹線の切符を購入、改札を入ると、構内の雰囲気が何時もと全然違う。改札付近で座り込んでいる人が一杯。アレッと思って掲示板に目を遣ると、4時半になっているのに3時の新幹線が未だ発車していない。 集中豪雨の影響で立ち往生らしい・・・。




This week, I was on a business trip to Tokyo on Tuesday and Wednesday. I was on the 11th floor of the building after 9:00 a.m. when I was typing an email, and it was wobbly and wobbly. Before the Tohoku earthquake, it was a little wobbly, but it was an earthquake? But after that, the feeling was quite different. It’s as if he’s taking a moment to prepare himself and pouring all his nerves into his confidence. Fortunately, the seismic intensity 3 or 4 calmed down, but it seems that my subconscious mind about disaster has changed a lot recently.

In fact, at 11 a.m. today, Osaka Prefecture sent out an emergency email to 5.13 million people as a “8.8 million person drill” to conduct a disaster drill.

My smart phone also has a 11:00 sharp. An emergency email came in. At that moment, there were three young men immediately nearby. When I said “Ah, the earthquake…it’s off the coast of Wakayama…” as I was looking at my email, the young man looked like he didn’t know about today’s disaster drill. What would you do if you saw that and let it through as it really is? I thought for a moment, but I felt a bit sorry for him, and immediately corrected it to “Training, Kunren”.

Then, the three of them felt relieved and resumed the meeting immediately, but then I felt… I think everyone has become quite sensitive after all… Because the response is completely different. Moreover, when we think of an earthquake, it seems that we immediately think of a major earthquake.

In addition, yesterday, I arrived at Tokyo station to go back to Osaka in the evening, bought a Shinkansen ticket, and entered the ticket gates. There are a lot of people sitting near the ticket gate. When I looked at the bulletin board, it was 4:30 a.m. and the 3 o’clock Shinkansen had not yet departed. It seems to be stranded by the influence of the torrential rain.

I returned to work immediately without any hesitation. We got to know our employees early on and ended up going home late at night.

By the way, earthquakes, tornadoes, torrential rains.


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です




  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
