






 「設立10年を振り返って」           会長 松谷廣信










I wasn’t particularly busy this week, but I completely forgot to update my blog. At 6:30 p.m. on Friday, I decided to make my usual backhanded move with Eey Mamayo.

Early next week, we are planning to publish the New Year’s issue of the newsletter of the Kansai Research Association, which I wrote this week. No offense.

Looking back on 10 years since the establishment of the company, Chairman Hirotani

I wish you a Happy New Year. I would like to wish all our members a very happy New Year.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of Seki-Coop. Looking back, when Mr. Kenji Arimoto, who had been leading the industry for many years as the head of the OCHO Association, passed away suddenly in 2000, the Association was in great trouble, and the members who tried to follow the conventional system parted ways with the OCHO Association and established the Association in October 2003.

At that time, the influence of the Ivy Incident was still prevalent in the second sector of the industry (recruitment research), and we had a big problem of “research and discrimination”. We had to do everything we could to dispel the idea that research leads to discrimination, strongly emphasize the legitimacy, necessity, and social contribution of research, and break out of the industry into an industry that was loved by citizens and recognized by society.

Fortunately or unfortunately, the scandals in the industry at that time attracted the attention of the mass media, so the meeting was held in the presence of the Mainichi TV cameras.

For 10 years since then, we have been striving for the activities of the association, aiming at the soundness of the industry and the improvement of social recognition. As a result, there is no one scandal case from among the members, and the case that an investigation was used for discrimination is not heard, and I am proud that I was able to continue the activity in line with the purpose of the establishment.

However, even though it is difficult for a small association like ours to do anything, there are many companies that have been forced out of business due to the harsh environment surrounding the industry, and now the number of companies is less than half of what it was when it was established.

As for the three-part industry (public research system), the research fee was pushed low from the upper limit regulation of the amount of bank transfer by the influence of the swindling scam, etc., and overcompetition by the change of the advertising medium, and the deflationary phenomenon occurred, such as the receipt of the case at the risk of being unprofitable, and as a result, the phenomenon of the two collapses came to be seen. In addition, in the second sector (recruitment research), the impact of the Ivy Incident was like a body blow, and combined with economic trends, the number of cases received continued to decline. On the other hand, the enforcement of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the Detective Business Act has made it very difficult to conduct investigations, making it impossible for us to respond to the needs of our clients.

We will start the year in such a difficult environment, but this year will not end like this. In fact, I’m very excited about this start. With the change of government by the election of the House of Representatives at the end of last year and the birth of the Abe administration, the economic policy has changed completely to get out of deflation, and it seems that the mass media is riding the wave and gradually shifting from negative thinking to positive thinking. If the positive qi flows into politics and the economy, the positive qi will naturally flow into our industry. Therefore, you must not do anything that would change the flow of this Qi. So to speak, there must be no such thing that could damage the image of the industry through injustice or scandals. We also have a faint hope that the storm of personal information protection will subside a bit this year. It’s not that the stakes are going to get hammered out, but the idea of protecting personal information is a little too much, and it’s true that it’s strange that you can’t check a single history. I feel that it is no longer the case that we hear the words, “It is personal information…” when we actually contact the company. The only thing that hasn’t changed is that the government, schools, and companies that are considered to be super-majors. Isn’t this funny? Even if they feel that they have to do something, they don’t want to make a move. Cautiousness sounds good, but I think it’s because they are only thinking about self-preservation. However, when the wind blows, even a large tree will sway a little. I have a faint expectation of such a thing, and although it is difficult to get to the storm, I would like to make a gentle breeze with the cooperation of all the members.






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