








 私がこのブログを書いている今現在、すぐ近くに居る調査員が電話口で、「モシモシ、すみませんが御社に以前、○○さんと言う方がご在職なさっておられたと思うのですが、ご存知ありませんでしょうか?・・・・・」   「イエ、その個人情報をどうこうと云うのではなく・・・・お勤めしておられたかどうか・・・・」   「アッ、そうですか・・・どうしてもですか・・・、ガシャン」   全くもうー、何が個人情報だ///。

 「アッ、モシモシ。何々さんの御宅ですか?、すみませんがお近くにお住まいの何々さんのことで、少しお尋ねしたい事がありまして・・・・」   「エー、エー、だから個人情報をどうこう言うのではなく、何時頃からお住まいで・・・、どんな方なのかな・・っと思いまして」   「エッ、ダメですか。イヤイヤ、そんな難しい事をどうこう言っているのではなく・・・・ガシャン」   まったくもう・・・・。

 聞かずとも判る・・・先方さんが何と応えているのか。会社員は、「それは個人情報ですから・・せっかくですがお応えできません。エー決まりごとですから」。近隣のおばちゃんは、「それって個人情報でしょう・・・。そんなこと言えません・・・」。  間違いなくこんな受け答えでしょう。



















The Act on the Protection of Personal Information became the Act on the Overprotection of Personal Information, and it seems that people now think that personal information should not be divulged without the consent of the person.

Therefore, when I ask for something about an individual, the answer is always, “That’s personal information… This is probably because of the strong input in the minds of those who respond in this way as “personal information is something that should not be divulged”.

However, I wonder how many people understand the Personal Information Protection Act correctly.

It has become the norm for many people to say, “That’s because it’s personal information…” because the law called the Personal Information Protection Law was enacted before we knew it, and when we talk about personal information, we don’t have to get the consent of the person, etc.

As I’m writing this blog, an investigator in my immediate vicinity says on the phone, “Moshi Moshi, I’m sorry, but I think there used to be a person called “Mr. XX” working in your company. I’m not talking about the personal information…I’m talking about whether or not you’ve been working for the company…Oh, I see…I have to…gosh, gosh…gosh, what personal information…gosh, what personal information…gosh.

“Ah, Moshi Moshi. What do you mean, this is your house? It’s not that I don’t want to give out personal information, but I want to know how long you’ve been living here and what kind of person you are. No, no, no, no, I’m not talking about that difficult thing…gosh…gosh…gosh.

You don’t have to ask me…what is the other party saying to me? The company employee said, “That’s personal information…I’m sorry, but I can’t answer that. E. It’s a routine. Auntie from the neighborhood said, “That’s personal information…. I can’t say that…  This is definitely the answer to your question.

Is this the correct interpretation of the Personal Information Protection Act?

If this is correct, then we cannot know or confirm anything about a person (individual). How can a community society that involves people be built like that?

“Who is he?”, “No, that’s personal information”, “How old is he?”, “That’s personal information too”, “Your name is…”, “Such personal information is…”. The same is true of the answers to the investigator’s questions, which means that they cannot respond to any personal matters, and the same is true of conversations between acquaintances if they are legally regulated because they are exchanging personal information.

Therefore, while there is no such law in place, the Personal Information Protection Act has been interpreted in an extremely arbitrary way and is now a complete overprotection law.

Here, let’s take a look at the outline of the Personal Information Protection Law.

The Act on the Protection of Personal Information has been established for businesses handling personal information, and those who do not fall under the category of businesses handling personal information are not subject to the regulations of this Act.

A “personal information handler” is a person who creates a database of more than 5,000 pieces of personal information, creates a searchable system, and uses the database for business purposes.

Therefore, there is little need to mention the Personal Information Protection Law for ordinary housewives and small businesses that do not have a database of personal information. In addition, even if a list of 100 or 200 people is created for any meeting or hobby gathering, it is not particularly regulated by this law. However, it has become quite common for a list of five or ten people to say, “Since this is a mass of personal information, it must not be leaked to anyone else.

Therefore, a company like ours that mainly handles recruitment and background checks on behalf of the company is, as mentioned above, a difficult and difficult job.

Everyone generally thinks that a resume is the right thing to do, since you are writing your own resume. In reality, however, more than 30% of resumes of employed workers are fraudulent. This figure is said to be almost the same not only in Japan but also in the United States.

It is natural that equal opportunity in employment should be emphasized and at the same time, selection should be done fairly, and there should be no discrimination. In other words, if your resume isn’t right, you can’t make a fair selection.

Therefore, whether the submitted history is correct or not, and whether the work history is correct or not, should naturally be checked and if it is wrong, corrected. That’s why companies ask us to review the applicant’s history and work history.

However, nowadays, it’s not easy to check academic and work history because of the thick wall of the Personal Information Protection Law. No school, anywhere, will accept a graduation verification. The majority of companies also do not respond to job history checks. All with the protection of personal information law as a shield. Therefore, the hardships of the investigators are extraordinary. The client said, “You’re a pro, aren’t you? A simple “I didn’t understand…” is not enough to get through.

It’s a false and true story, but I don’t live at the address on my resume. The date of birth is different. He has a family with a wife, but in reality he doesn’t have one. It says he’s a college graduate, but he’s actually a high school dropout. I’ve been a civil servant for 20 years, but in reality, I’ve been a civil servant for six months. This kind of thing is not uncommon. However, there’s no way to find out if your resume is a fraud in a written test or an interview.

A certificate of residence is essential to verify the name, age and address. A family register is essential to confirm the existence of marriage and the parent-child relationship. However, it has become almost impossible to obtain a third party’s certificate of residence or family register.

It’s a very scary story, but there are actually quite a few forged university diplomas, forged certificates of tenure, forged residency cards, and forged driver’s licenses. However, in today’s social system, there is no way to check whether a product is counterfeit or not.

Therefore, scammers and other badasses who know this are willing to scam and forge to get their jobs done.

The average person would never think of this, but we, the surveyors, are being shown this reality to our disgust. However, knowingly or unknowingly, the administration doesn’t listen, and one can’t help but think that they are trying to regulate investigations as much as possible, and focus on shaping a society that pleases the bad guys.




One thought on “経歴詐称、採用調査”

  1. 松谷社長の調査会社としてのスタンスとご苦労は涙がでる位、理解できます。私も以前企業信用調査の会社に勤務しておりました。尊敬する物流会社の会長が天風会で講演した時のサマリーが掲載された冊子を見せて頂き、中村天風氏に興味を持ち、調べていた時にこのブログを発見いたしました。信用収縮が叫ばれ、調査会社としても厳しい時代と存じます。哲人・天風先生のファンの企業リーダーは多いと聞きます。更なるご活躍と良質な報告で依頼者を大切にして下さい。祈っております。






  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
