

















 そんなことが頭をよぎり、「エッ」と思った訳・・・。 中身をよく知らずに、勝手なことを云っているのかもしれないが・・・。





In a government-sponsored program to explain to the public about the restart of the Kyushu Electric Power Company’s Genkai Nuclear Power Plant, the vice president and other executives of Kyushu Electric instructed employees and business partners to send emails in favor of restarting the plant, a so-called “phony email” that has become a major issue in the government and the media.

Television, newspapers, and other media outlets, as well as the government and local governments, are all rushing to slam Kyushu Electric, claiming that what it has done is outrageous and outrageous.

I first learned of this issue from a video of Minister Kaieda on NHK’s morning news, furious at Kyushu Electric, saying that he could not be trusted at all.

When I saw this news, for some reason I had a “eek” feeling. However, since then, the news reports have been all about the beating of Kyushu Electric, and it is indeed so intense that it is likely to affect the restart of the plant.

Under these circumstances, if someone is speaking out from the standpoint of protecting Kyushu Electric, he or she must be considered to be either a considerable outcast or a complete idiot. After all…am I really an idiot?

? I can see the face of my friend who assures me that he is an idiot who doesn’t need it.

Still, I dare to state the reason why I felt like “Eck”.

When a public organization such as the government tries to accomplish a thing, in order to create the appearance of a democracy, it solicits the opinions of the people in the form of public comments and uses them as one of the materials for making a decision (in fact, it is intended to create the appearance of not listening and has little effect on the actual situation…).

Therefore, since this is the only modest opportunity to have a say in the matter, we ask that interested parties such as industries and organizations be invited to express their opinions “for” or “against” the matter. So to speak, they want to assert their opinions as widely as possible so that they can be heard.

This is a given, and citizen’s movement groups are particularly committed to this kind of movement. In addition, the heads of local governments and administrative officials appear at festivals, such as budget negotiations, as an extension of these events.

It is quite natural and not disgraceful for those below to take every opportunity to ask and be heard by those above them.

This time, however, Kyushu Electric is being beaten to a pulp for its stupid and shameful actions. It’s true, there may be a problem when a direct stakeholder arbitrarily commits such an act, because the true will of the people is not heard. However, similar acts are quite common, and we have actively encouraged stakeholders to speak out…

The groups and activists opposed to the restart of the Genkai nuclear power plant must have called on the people involved and those around them to “email their opposition”. However, it is OK to call out opposing positions, such as civic groups, but not to call out pro-employment emails.

That’s why I thought, “What? I don’t know if I’m being selfish without knowing what’s inside…

If Kyushu Electric forced subcontractors by force, that would have been a problem, but in any case, public hearings and briefings are just demonstrations, and they have no influence on the outcome.

This time, however, the “fake mail” is likely to have an impact on the big problem of restarting the nuclear power plant. The national and local governments should take 100% responsibility for super-important issues such as the restart of the nuclear power plant and make decisions with great care and with their lives at stake, and should not be swayed by the mere issue of “false emails. I don’t know what to say…..

But then again, the Kan cabinet is amazing… It’s such a person’s ally, and yet it’s not a unified cabinet. I can’t say I’m surprised, but I’m amazed…

The title of this blog is “What I’m thinking, what I’m thinking” and I’ve taken the liberty of writing it. However, I don’t know what went wrong or how, but if the “false mail” problem was to cause a hysterical uproar, which would have an effect on the problem of restarting operations, etc., I wrote about it in my spare time…



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