
しかし、家のパソコンがすべてWindows 7になりデータの入れ替えができなくなったため、買い換えることに。
以前紹介した名刺入れもそうですが、1つのものを大切に使い続けると幸運を呼ぶと信じています^ ^
This is the iRiver “iFP-890” MP3 player that my wife gave me 10 years ago.
I used it every morning at the time of commuting with one of the treasures for me though the memory is 256MB and there is quite a big in addition to being small.
However, since all the computers at home are now Windows 7 and data cannot be replaced, we decided to buy a new one.
I’m a man of many things, so I’ll probably use it again for another 10 years or so.
As the years go by, the features and performance will degrade, but the basic performance as a player is enough.
I believe that if you take good care of one thing and keep using it, it will bring you good luck ^ ^