
業界初です^_^ たぶん
プロット、キャラクター、ストーリー、構成やコマ割りなどのネームまでスタッフが取り組んでくれました。親バカですがスゴイです(笑) 企画からここまでかなり時間はかかりましたが、プロの仕上げでとても完成度の高い作品(販促物とは呼びたくない^_^)になりました。
Industry’s First Manga on Recruitment Surveys
We have made a comic book about our original recruitment survey (background check).
This is the first time in the industry ^_^ Maybe
The staff worked on the plot, characters, story, and even the name, including the structure and frame layout. It took a long time from the planning to this point, but with the professional finishing touches, it turned out to be a very complete work (I don’t want to call it a sales promotion ^_^).
I’m looking forward to our next endeavor!