
渋滞学でも有名な西成活裕先生の著書、「東大の先生! 文系の私に超わかりやすく数学を教えてください!」を読むと、数学の素晴らしさが実感できるはずです。
I hated studying and wanted to quit elementary school, but I believed that only math would definitely help me in the future. I didn’t (nor did I) get good grades in middle school, but math was my favorite subject without question.
However, it often seems to be a depressing subject for middle school students in the midst of their adolescent and rebellious years.
There are people who say they don’t know how to use mathematics even when they are working adults, so maybe it’s understandable that teenagers feel that way.
A book by Professor Katsuhiro Nishinari, who is also famous for his study of traffic jams, is called “Teacher of the University of Tokyo! I’m a liberal arts major, so please teach me math in a super easy to understand way! If you read the book, you’ll be able to see the beauty of mathematics.
R16 designation (lol)
Middle schoolers should never read it.
So, that was the introduction to the recommended books.