




 先週末(27日 土)久しぶりに映画「後妻業の女」を観た。既に本は読んでおり粗筋は知っていたが、主演女優「大竹しのぶ」の好演もあり、面白く十分に楽しませてもらった。探偵は、悪徳ではあるが中々いい仕事をしており、現実味もあった。






 ここで何時もの持論になるが、結婚調査はアク、人事調査はアク、個人人情報は本人承諾を得て、などと宣い、住民票も戸籍も非公開、無理してとるとご本人に通知す。これって本当にあり・・・。 こんな綺麗ごとで、公平で平穏な社会が築けると、真に人権論者は思っているのであろうか・・・?。


 このケースは、別居し、どうにもならなくなってから、女の過去を調べてほしいとの依頼であったが、それこそ後の祭り。だいたい、結婚2年目で公正証書を強要するなど、計画性があるとしか思えないが、法的には公正証書は絶対。 トホホ・・・。


Last weekend (Saturday, 27th), I watched the movie “The Woman Who Got Married” for the first time in a while. I had already read the book and knew the plot, but I was entertained by a good performance by the leading actress “Shinobu Otake”. The detective was doing a reasonably good job, albeit a bad one, and it was realistic.

As the saying goes, “Reality is stranger than fiction”, the case of the rearranged wife, which caused a stir in the mass media about two years ago, surpassed this film.

My generation, the so-called baby-boomer generation, is now hearing the voices of 70-year-olds, and the number of reasonably wealthy, single, elderly people is increasing considerably. Therefore, the future business will be those that target this age group. In fact, it seems that marriage counseling agencies targeting middle-aged and older people are quite popular.

The world is a man and a woman. What’s more, when it comes to men and women, men are basically idiots, and there’s no way they can compete with women.

Now that I think about it, I’m sure that the “rearranged wife business” will become a hot topic in the future.

After this, there is only one thing I can compete with in the wife business. We are the only detective agency or agency that does the investigative work. Once you fall for a woman in the wife’s business, it’s too late. Neither the lawyers nor the police are of any help. There is no other way to deal with a man and woman’s problems than to get to know them before they happen.

As I always say, marriage investigations should be conducted with the consent of the individual, personnel investigations should be conducted with the consent of the individual, and personal information should be obtained with the consent of the individual. This is really… Do human rights theorists really think that a fair and peaceful society can be built with such a neat little thing…?

By the way, one of the surveys we did was this Both men and women are about 40 years old or so. Men are married for the first time, women are remarried. I met him at a marriage agency. They were happily married for six months and had a baby in the second year, but as soon as they had a child, the woman changed her mind and the man couldn’t take it anymore, so they left home and lived apart. In the meantime, a notarial deed had been drafted and 100 million in cash and deposits and a newlywed family’s newly built house with over 100 million on it had been taken away.

In this case, after they separated and couldn’t get anything done, they asked me to look into the woman’s past, but that was the end of it. Forcing a notarial deed in the second year of marriage seems to me to be well planned, but legally, a notarial deed is a must. Toh-oh-oh…

It was well said, “The stick ahead that does not fall”. However, it seems that it’s not allowed in the society of great people to hold a cane first, even though you haven’t fallen down…






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