







氏名  ○ ○      生年月日 昭和35年◗月◗日生(55歳)

現住所 大阪市中央区

昭和58年3月 横浜国立大学経済学部○○学科 卒業、

昭和58年4月 ㈱○○  入社

同 63年7月  同社  退職

昭和63年8月 ㈱○○テクノロジー  入社

平成19年○月  同社  退職

平成19年8月 ㈱○○ ホーム  入社

同 28年2月  同社  退職




平成19年8月 ○○事業本部○○推進部課長 配属


平成20年4月 土地活用セミナーを税理士や経済人を交え実施し、各新聞社と提携セミ    ナーの企画を提案、以後同様のセミナを年5回実施。

平成22年4月 関連子会社○○へ出向。資産活用事業部部長に就任。関西エリアの管理運営に携わる。

平成25年4月 社内組織の再編・新研修システムの人材育成に従事し、スキルアップと人材育成の基礎を構築する。

平成28年2月 希望退職募集に応募し退職











Here’s the story of the Big Surprise Pong that we researched last week.

“Investigator’s resume.

Date of birth: 35 years old (55 years old)

Current address: Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka

March 1983 Graduated from Yokohama National University, Department of Economics

April 1983 Joined XX Co.

Retired from the company in July 1963.

August 1988 Joined XX Technology Co.

Retired from the company in 2007.

August 2007 Joined XX Home Co.

Retired from the company in February 2018.


XX Home Corporation (August 2007 to February 28, 2007)

August 2007 Assigned to Manager, XX Promotion Department, XX Business Headquarters

Engaged in sales planning for land use and rental apartments

April 2008 We held a seminar on land use with tax accountants and business people, and proposed to organize a partnership seminar with various newspapers.

April 2010 Seconded to an affiliated company. Appointed as General Manager of the Asset Utilization Division. Engaged in the management and operation of the Kansai area.

April 2013 Engaged in the reorganization of the company’s internal organization and the development of human resources for the new training system, building the foundation for skill improvement and human resources development.

February 2018 Resigned after applying for voluntary retirement.

and so on. The resumes of the two companies before the company were three pages long with extremely detailed information about their years, job descriptions, and accomplishments, making them excellent self-promotional resumes.

A background investigation was conducted by us based on the above resume.

A summary of the investigation report.

He declared that he had a wife in the family section, but he lived alone at his current address and his wife was not confirmed.

In 2009, I retired from my previous job at XX Home after working there for only one month. The reason for his resignation was that he was arrested by the police on charges of fraud and theft (embezzlement) while he was employed, and the company unilaterally took procedures for his resignation because he could no longer attend work.

This is the first time that a person has been arrested on suspicion of fraud and embezzlement in the course of business, having been sentenced to a year of imprisonment and recently released from prison. Therefore, we are compelled to find that the majority of the filing history was misrepresented and that “hiring is inappropriate.

A colleague of my former employer (undeclared) opened his mouth by saying, “Ew, he’s still alive! I thought it was sinking in the port of Kobe…. So… you’re still alive? He’s a guy who’s made his living from fraud and embezzlement… There’s no way you can’t check it out.

It is true that there are many people who vague about privacy and personal information, raise the right to privacy as high as a flag, and speak out with a selfish tone.







  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
