







それでも毎日数十件の受件がある。調査結果は、?採用上先ず支障なし ?採用上検討を要する ?採用不適当と認められる と大きく分けて3区分の調査所見になる。

所見結果は、?採用上検討を要する ?採用不適当と認められる が受件総数の3割を占める。








珍しいケースでは、申告する現住所に住んで居ない、という場合もある。住所不定なのか、何か目的があっての住所の隠ぺいなのかは判らないが・・・。 「事実は小説より奇なり」。採用調査で、こんな諺を使いたくなるようなケースさえある。

尚、最近の特徴としては、「Wワーキング」の可能性が高いと思われるものが増えている。 Wワークを認める会社であれば何ら問題はないが、大方の企業がWワークは禁止している。従って、その事は申告しないケースが大半である。



Maybe it’s because I drew a line two years ago, but the content of the blog has become a bit playful. Moreover, even though he obliges himself to do it once a week, he has lost a lot of teeth. I’m so sorry…

So, today, I’d like to touch on a few things related to my job.

As you know, our work focuses on the “HR survey at the time of employment”. In the past, we used to handle a considerable number of cases regardless of whether they were new graduates or mid-career workers, but nowadays, due to the trend of the times, mid-career hiring accounts for nearly 70% of the total.

Even so, we receive dozens of cases every day. What are your findings? Not a hindrance to employment? Need to be considered for hiring ? The survey results can be broadly divided into three categories: “no hindrance to adoption”, “need to be considered for adoption”, and “unsuitable for adoption”.

What are the findings? Need to be considered for recruitment? 30% of the total number of cases were found to be unsuitable for adoption.

You may think, “Eh, so much…”, but it’s true. In the case of our clients, many of them are medium-sized companies, or so to speak, companies that are able to hire employees by hiring new graduates alone.
Unlike the super giants, there are many places where you have to hire mid-career workers to make ends meet, but that’s still the case. Moreover, after the interview, I was thinking, “If the investigation doesn’t interfere…
They are supposed to have ordered people who can do it.

It is 30% of the total, so the probability is quite high.

Among them, background falsification was the top item. Some companies do not take a little background falsification as a matter of course, and investigators rarely ask about differences that seem to be a memory mistake.
I don’t see it as a problem. However, there are a lot of contrived things that add up, and if you look closely, you’ll find undeclared work history.
If you look into it, you will find many criminal acts such as “fraud”, “embezzlement”, “embezzlement”, or trouble events such as absenteeism and refusal to report to work.

In the report that I checked today, there was a former president of a company with a history of “fleeing abroad as soon as the fraud was discovered”.
Not stated. It’s a no-brainer, but you don’t know that in an interview. Moreover, this person was scheduled to be hired as an executive.

In rare cases, it may be the case that you do not live at the current address you are filing. I don’t know if it’s an indefinite address or a cover-up of an address for some purpose… Facts are stranger than fiction. There have even been cases where I’ve been tempted to use a proverb like this in my hiring surveys.

As a recent feature, there is an increase in the possibility of “W-Working”. There is no problem if the company allows w work, but most companies prohibit w work. Therefore, in the majority of cases, they do not declare it.

Other than that, what a lot of people have a history of bankruptcy. There is no problem if the exemption from bankruptcy is decided once due to the failure of the business and the guarantee cover, etc., and it has recovered afterwards, but the bankruptcy by debauchery is not easily cured. Even so, a bankruptcy check alone will not reveal the contents. Therefore, actual tuning is necessary.

Although I am proud to say that the “personnel survey at the time of employment” is a job of indispensable social importance, it is a job that has not yet made it to the front of the pack. Oh, my God.



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  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
