









厚生労働省 殿


会長 松谷 廣信


















1. 憲法14条や19条は、もっぱら国または公共団体と個人の関係を規律するもので、私人相互の関係を直接規律することを予定したものではない。

2. 企業者は、自己の営業のために労働者を雇傭するにあたり、いかなる者を雇い入れるか、いかなる条件でこれを雇うかについて、法律その他による特別の制限がない限り、原則として自由にこれを決定することができるのであって、企業者が特定の思想、信条を有する者をそのゆえをもって雇い入れることを拒んでも、それを当然に違法とすることはできない。

3. 企業者が、労働者の採否決定にあたり、労働者の思想、信条を調査し、そのためその者からこれに関連する事項についての申告を求めることも、これを法律上禁止された違法行為といえない。

4. 労働基準法3条は雇入れそのものを制約する規定ではない。

5. 新卒採用にあたり、採否決定の当初においては、その者の資質、性格、能力その他上告人のいわゆる管理職要員としての適格性の有無に関連する事項について必要な調査を行ない、適切な判定資料を十分に蒐集することができないため、後日における調査や観察に基づく最終的決定を留保する趣旨でされるものと留保解約権の行使にあたっては、上述した解約権留保の趣旨、目的に照らして、客観的に合理的な理由が存し社会通念上相当として是認されうる場合にのみ許される。








Spring is in full bloom. The cherry trees in Okawabata are almost in full bloom today. Therefore, at this time of year, I get off at Tenmabashi Station, one before the usual Kitahama Station, and walk through the cherry blossom tunnel to my office.

Yesterday, in the spring rain, and today, in the breeze, I headed to the office, just enjoying the cherry blossoms.

In the midst of such exhilaration, I decided to submit a letter of request on the issue of administrative guidance by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare on recruitment surveys, which had been a concern of mine for some time.

Therefore, we would like to publish a draft of that request on this blog, and invite you to take a look at it, reflect your valuable opinions, and finish the request. I would be happy to hear your harsh opinions. Thank you very much.

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

Kansai Research Association

Chairman Hironobu Matsutani

Requests for background checks in employment

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for your continued good fortune.

We would like to request that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) provide administrative guidance on fair employment selection in order to eliminate discrimination in employment.

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) has been making consistent efforts to eliminate discrimination in employment for a long time, and we, as well as many others in the industry, would like to express our deepest gratitude.

We are an industry organization that has been making keen efforts to eliminate all forms of discrimination and has established self-regulations to eradicate discrimination, and is actively calling for this intention not only from ourselves but also from society.

However, whether it was intentional or not, it is a fact that there have been unfortunate incidents in the past when our research industry’s research and reports were used to discriminate against people in the job market. I deeply regret this point and understand that it is the industry’s social responsibility to prevent such incidents from happening again, and I have made every effort to eliminate discrimination.

As a result, I am confident that at least for the past 15 years, there has been no evidence that the surveys and reports of those involved in our industry have been used to discriminate against people in finding employment. In fact, I am convinced that there are no companies that request such a survey with such an intention, and there are no more companies that receive such a survey 100% of the time.

However, for many years, your ministry has been conducting background checks at the time of employment, and it has consistently given administrative guidance that “background checks should never be conducted” because background checks may lead to discrimination, and the purpose of this policy is emphasized in booklets published by labor administrative agencies, such as “Recruitment and Human Rights.

In addition, it is unclear what kind of investigation is defined by the term “background check” as it is commonly used by your ministry. In general, the term background check is often used collectively to refer to any investigation of a person, and because no definition of the words used is given, it is widely interpreted as prohibiting any investigation into employment.

As I mentioned above, we have made efforts to eradicate all forms of social discrimination, not to mention discrimination in employment, since the establishment of the Association and have voluntarily regulated all forms of discriminatory investigations in order to eliminate them.

However, in reality, the background checks that we conduct in the investigative industry are directly related to the applicant’s ability to perform his or her duties, such as whether or not there are any mistakes in the applicant’s resume or work history, whether or not he or she has been working at his or her place of employment in the past, whether or not he or she resigned due to an accident, whether or not he or she is eligible for the job, whether or not he or she is in good health for the work he or she is seeking, and whether or not he or she is in a good living environment to work.

However, the actual administrative guidance is consistent with the prohibition of “any kind of background checks at the time of employment”.

As a result, the administrative guidance on the prohibition of background checks at the time of employment has actually caused considerable harm. There have been many incidents that have been widely reported in the media, such as the escape of a murder suspect, a group of students running into a school, a student murdered by a tutor at a cram school, mistreatment of a resident patient, and nail-baring incidents, which could have been prevented if background checks had been carried out at the time of employment. In addition, although it is difficult to show, it is very common to misrepresent a candidate’s resume or work history, and more than 30% of resumes for mid-career hires are misrepresented (actual statistics from research industry personnel). In severe cases, there are some cases where all of the educational and work experience are misrepresented. In addition, there are many problems that cannot be detected in a normal written test or interview, such as not actually living at the current address to be declared, or applying to obtain confidential information (industrial espionage).

In addition, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has strongly instructed us to “strive for fair selection”, but can we really have a fair selection process by putting honest and false histories on the same table?

The current background check at the time of recruitment is only used as a supplementary document to ensure fairness in the selection process, and is only a supplementary document to determine an applicant’s ability to perform his or her duties. In reality, however, even though companies are trying to ensure “fair selection” based on administrative guidance provided by your ministry, the fact remains that background checks (supplementary materials) are strictly prohibited to ensure fair selection.

In the U.S., based on the concept of negligent hiring, background research is so common that it is said to be the first job of a hiring manager to conduct a pre-hiring survey.
It is said that the degree of employer’s responsibility at the time of judicial decision is greatly influenced by whether or not it was implemented.

In Japan, a judicial decision made in 1973, the “Mitsubishi Plastics Case” (Supreme Court) stated that

1. articles 14 and 19 of the Constitution are solely intended to regulate the relationship between the State or a public body and an individual, and not to directly regulate the relationship between private persons.

An entrepreneur, in hiring workers for his business, is free to decide in principle who to hire and under what conditions to hire any person, unless there are special restrictions by law or otherwise, and even if an entrepreneur refuses to hire a person with a particular idea or belief for that reason, it shall not naturally be illegal.

It is not an illegal act prohibited by law for an entrepreneur to investigate a worker’s thoughts and beliefs when deciding whether to adopt or reject a worker, and to request a declaration from the worker on matters related to the investigation.

Article 3 of the Labor Standards Law is not a provision that restricts the hiring itself.

As for the exercise of the right of termination withholding the right of termination, it shall be allowed only when objectively reasonable reasons exist in light of the above-mentioned purpose and purpose of the right of termination withholding the right of termination and it can be accepted as reasonable under common sense.

-The judicial decision was made in the case of the

For the above reasons, we would like to ask you to reconsider the efforts of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to eliminate discrimination in employment and the way administrative guidance should be provided for fair employment selection.

Specific requests

1. I would like to see opportunities for discussions with industry organizations regarding “background checks at the time of employment”.

2. Deletion of the phrase “Please never conduct a background check when finding employment” in the booklet “Recruitment and Human Rights” published by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the labour administration departments of prefectures.

3. Clarification of the definition of the word “background check” in the context of employment.



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