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The Legislative Council is an organization that studies and deliberates on other basic legal matters. so to speak.
When amending a national law, etc., it is necessary to have an academic expert deliberate on the matter from an expert standpoint before submitting a bill to the Diet.
In November last year, the council was asked to revise the Family Registration Law, and work is steadily underway to review the principle of openness of family registers.

The details of the deliberations can be seen from the minutes of the meeting.
I don’t know what to do, but I think I understand the deliberation of the scholarly teacher. At the outset, it was a conclusion.
It seems to me that we are only arguing over the difficulty of rationing to reach a conclusion.

This time.
This is also the case at the Family Registration Law Subcommittee, which is deliberating on the issue of revision of the Family Registration Law. So.
Yesterday, I sent a written opinion to the teachers of the council. I’m sure the result will be nothing but a laugh, but as an industry person, of course
This is because, as a citizen, I think it is a problem that cannot be overlooked at all.

I would like to attach the following lengthy opinion piece here.

What are the possible adverse effects if the current openness of the family register and residence certificate is revised to non-public.
If the family register and certificate of residence become non-public in principle, the notarized data of a person’s identity such as name, age, address, marital status, parent-child relationship, etc. will not be available unless the person provides them.
In general, it means that you will not be able to see it or get your hands on it. As a result, no matter how much you falsify your identity, it becomes very difficult to see through it.
At the present time when disclosure is the principle, at least the name, age, address, marital status, parent-child relationship, etc. are generally known.
It appears to have led to the deterrence of falsehoods regarding identity relations.

However, in principle, if it is made private, there is no way to check how much bullshit is being said, so the
Doesn’t that make it easier to tell lies? It’s called impersonating someone else anytime and anywhere, or being invisible (a fictitious person).
It will be possible to become…

As a result, all sorts of fraud, breach of contract, and non-performance of contract through identity theft are rampant, making people unable to trust people and
An extremely awkward society was formed, and “you don’t know who you’re dealing with unless you file a lawsuit.
(It is only by filing a lawsuit that the other party’s certificate of residence or family register can be legitimately obtained.

For simple business transactions and even minor contracts, we need a system where all contracts must be written and attached with a seal certificate or certificate of residence, etc.
You don’t even know who you’re really dealing with. So far, I’ve been able to trust even verbal promises to a certain extent because I have a background that I can check at any time.
An oral contract standing on top of it was also possible. However, if you are unable to confirm your identity, unless you have a notarized document to verify your identity in advance, you will not be able to be identified.
It’s a big risk to take.

Wouldn’t it be impossible to carry out administrative procedures without notarized documents such as residency records and family registers? Therefore, even if the law is amended to make it non-public in principle, the
The executive branch will make it available on a special basis.

At the private level, if you require the other party to attach a certificate of residence, family register, or other documents to prove their identity, it is difficult for the government to do so.
Isn’t there a fear that we will become an extremely awkward society where there is no play at the wheel of a car?

What has been happening since the full enforcement of the Personal Information Protection Law in April of this year… The newspapers also pointed out that the Act on the Overprotection of Personal Information…
There are many articles that worry about an anonymous and transparent society, but in reality, there are a lot of problems that do not appear in media reports.

One example of this is that many private companies, as well as government agencies, are no longer responding to inquiries about people for any reason.
As a result, I can no longer check my resume when I get a job. In the resume, it says “graduated from a certain university, worked at a certain company, worked at a certain company”, and in the resume, it says
It is reported that the company has achieved number one sales at the company, but it is not possible to confirm what it has reported.

If they don’t respond to your work history and the length of time you have worked there, they won’t even respond to your employment status for reasons of privacy protection. Besides.
If both the residence certificate and the family register are not disclosed in principle, we will not be able to find out anything about it, won’t we?

If companies are unable to check job seekers’ resumes, applicants are free to write down their resumes. than the actual history.
It’s not a laughing matter, it’s a real thing that can actually happen, where your acceptance or rejection depends on how you write your resume. Even though the current
Applicants’ histories at mid-career hiring are quite misrepresented. According to statistics from a research firm that primarily conducts recruitment research, 30% of
Job falsification is admissible. Educational fraud is currently occurring because schools do not respond to graduation verification from third parties.
There have been a number of cases that appear to be fraudulent, albeit vague. in addition
We are in a situation where it can be said that fewer people are accurately reporting their work history.

In the U.S., based on the concept of negligent hiring, how well a job seeker’s history is checked before joining the company will be determined by the company.
The degree of employer liability in an incident brought by an employee is to a large extent dependent on the case. Therefore, as a hiring manager’s job.
A job seeker’s history check is mandated as a necessary minimum.
Therefore, the murder of a child by a tutor at a cram school in Kyoto the other day has raised the issue of the responsibility of the cram school’s users, and this has led to an increase in the number of cram school users.
A major question is whether or not the extent to which the pre-employment HR survey was conducted. Especially in this case, if the pre-employment investigation had been done correctly.
I would like to point out this point because there is a great possibility that the incident could have been prevented.

However, with the guidance of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and the enforcement of the Personal Information Protection Law, it is no longer possible to check the history of a person when they find a job in Japan today.
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) has been leading the way in saying that personnel surveys should not be conducted. Also.
The right to privacy and self-control has been used like a seal, and the protection of personal information has become too much.
There is a growing concern that this will atrophy social life and economic activity.

A person’s history at the time of employment is just one example.
It would be a big deal if the confirmation of the other party could not be taken on the grounds of personal information or privacy. Nonetheless.
Since the enactment of the Personal Information Protection Law in April of this year, the society is gradually becoming such a society. In addition, if it becomes the case that the family register and the residence certificate are private in principle, the
There is a very high risk that the various social systems and smooth social life will be hindered.

How to harmonize privacy and personal information in relation to the public welfare and interests seems to be a very important issue.
If we unilaterally insist on protecting privacy and personal information, we can’t have symbiosis, cooperation, and
It is only natural that frictions occur in the pursuit of a happy social life, such as collaboration, and the issue of comparative thinking becomes important.

However, the name, date of birth, address, legal domicile, gender, etc. written on the certificate of residence are simply information that identifies an individual, and are not used to identify a person.
I don’t think there is any privacy in that. Of course, it does not contain any sensitive information at all.
Therefore, I believe that the principle of public disclosure has always been consistent.

In the above sentence, I have sent you a list of cases of investigations in which we have avoided fraudulent damage in advance by obtaining family registers and residency cards. However.
The case studies are long, so I’ll attach them to the next blog.


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