





 ○年○月  開成高校 卒業  同時に、東京大学法学部入学 ストレートで同大学卒業  同年4月 大蔵省入省  同年9月ハーバード大学法科大学院入学(国費留学) 3年後同大学院卒業  帰国し大蔵省退省 三菱商事に就職 4年後にヘッドハンティングで帝国ホテルに就職 3年後再度ヘッドハンティングにより東京ガスに就職、 思うところあり3年の勤務を経て独立、以後、外務省の支援業務に従事し現在に至る。しかも、申告の職務経歴書たるや物凄い実績で、会社貢献度抜群の記述となっていた。






今のネット時代。何でもインターネットを叩けば大体の事は判る。職務経歴書の書き方から面接受験のノウハウまで、事細かく判る。しかも色んな人のコメントが載っている。40歳にもなり暇をもてあましていれば、就職面接の対応くらい、その気になれば何とでもなるもの。 しかも、個人情報、プライバシイ、人権など個人を保護する法律と政策に包まれ、本人申告を確認する術を行政が国民から取り上げているのだから、詐欺行為をはたらこうとする人に取ってこれくらい恵まれた時代、世の中は無いである。



I’ve been in the business for 43 years and have never encountered such an admirable case of resume fraud in my 43 years in the business (recruitment and personnel research). It’s such a glorious career fraud…

In September of the same year, he entered the Harvard Law School (government-sponsored study abroad). After graduating from the same school, he returned to Japan and left the Ministry of Finance. In addition, the work history of the declaration was a great achievement, and the description of the contribution of the company was outstanding.

Moreover, the client is a listed company. When I asked him about it, he told me that he had already interviewed for the president of the company and that he was in line to pass. Therefore, as long as there were no major differences in his filing history, he would like to welcome him in a managerial position with immediate workforce.

However, even if you try a normal background check, you can’t get any confirmation in Japan nowadays. If you ask a high school or university from the front, under the pretense of checking their history, they will say, “Due to personal information, we can’t respond to anyone but you. I was definitely told that and I can’t confirm it. There is no doubt that the Ministry of Finance, Mitsubishi Corporation, the Imperial Hotel, and Tokyo Gas all responded in the same way, saying, “I can’t tell you anything about my personal life except to myself…

However, “the path of the snake is a snake”. With our investigators, a haphazard fraudster could be stripped naked in a few days.

The results are nothing short of brilliant and utterly untrue. He studied at the local elementary, middle and high schools, and entered a university in the Kansai region, but failed, and after one failed attempt, he tried again, but he was unable to achieve his goal and gave up on going to university. That’s because he was not going to high school in the right way, as he had become refusing to go to school when he was in high school. Since then, I’ve been working as a freelancer from one job to the next, never got married until I was over 40 years old, and turned out to be a sweetheart nibbling at my parents’ shins.

You’ll know that much from the interview…. I want to see the interviewer’s face… Isn’t it a little bit funny that we made it to the president’s interview? It seems that you can hear them laughing, but that’s not the case.

Today’s Internet age. If you hit the internet for anything, you’ll get the general idea. This site provides detailed information on how to write a resume and how to take an interview. If you’re 40 years old and have a lot of time to spare, you can do whatever you want to do, like dealing with a job interview. What’s more, the government has taken away from the public the ability to verify the identity of the individual, surrounded by laws and policies that protect personal information, privacy, and human rights.

When the Act on the Protection of Personal Information was enacted and its interpretation made a lot of headlines in the mass media, and when some amendments to the Family Registration Act and the Basic Resident Registration Act were submitted on the agenda, I raised my voice and went from the House of Representatives to the House of Councillors in desperation, fearing the coming of Japan as a paradise for swindlers, but there were few teachers who would listen to me. There’s no way you can get a vote against human rights, privacy and privacy policies…

In fact, it is the government itself that is engaged in fraudulent activities in Japan today. As for the manifesto I put up at the time of the election, I thought so at the time, but now that I’m in charge of the government, it doesn’t work that way, so I stopped. Fraud is the act of deceiving and ensnaring people with the intent to deceive, and we Democrats were not trying to deceive from the start. As a result, it’s only close to being a scam, not a scam at all, you say?






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  • 見積依頼


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  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
