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As long as I have a certain amount of social common sense and a sense of morality, I don’t need to go to court. I judge my daily life based on my senses and hardly think about legal issues. The reason why this case is a lawsuit is because I acted without any malice in my own common sense and without any malice.

The U.S. is a litigious society, with a large number of people involved in the legal profession and several times as many lawyers as Japan. Don’t you think this is a little strange? It seems that the number of legal cases is increasing in proportion to the number of people involved in the lawsuit.

There was a similar story in a lecture by my mentor, Tenpou Nakamura. He was a man who lived in the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa periods. He said, “Before the war, the number of doctors and hospitals was extremely small compared to today. After the war, however, Western medicine became popular, and the number of doctors and hospitals ballooned several times. The number of doctors and hospitals used to treat the sick has increased several times over, and the fact that they are not in the red means that the number of sick people has increased several times over…

It’s a story of contradictions in the world, but no, it’s strange. I felt that the same thing was happening in the legal field as well, after receiving this consultation.

In fact, if a lawsuit is filed, it has to be accepted. If you don’t rebut the plaintiff’s argument, the plaintiff’s complaint will go through as is. However, ordinary petty citizens have never been on trial. I’m not quite sure what or how to write a written response. So, I went to consult with a lawyer. Then, a consultation fee will be required. And the result is that it’s difficult to do it on your own (I think 99% of them do). So, if you ask a lawyer, even if it is a simple case, the start-up fee is 300,000 yen. On top of that, you need to be prepared to pay for transportation, overhead and results, at least 500,000 yen.

500,000 yen is a lot of money for a small citizen. However, what I did without any sense of guilt and with my common sense was suddenly prosecuted one day, and even if I won, I had to be prepared for about 500,000 yen. Such a litigious society is just around the corner, and there are many lawsuits being filed around me, and I have to fight against them. I’m so happy…. Maybe one day, someone will appear who will make a business out of suing for damages, such as defamation, and a book will be published that says, “How to make money from lawsuits…”…

The post-war US policy to weaken Japan has worked like a body blow, and the country and society have come to see an utterly disgusting lawsuit society that insists only on individual rights and interests, not on obligations. I guess I’ll just have to watch this society from heaven…..

Mr. Masahiko Fujiwara (mathematician and professor at Ochanomizu University) wrote an article titled “A Message to the Japanese People” in the June issue of Bungei Shunju, and I was deeply moved that he had done such a good job of writing it. Mr. Fujiwara is the author of “The Dignity of a Nation” and the man who caused a boom in dignity.






  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
