
















It’s been a week since I’ve seen you….. Eh, it’s a little too old… This phrase is understandable to those who understand it, but not to those who don’t understand it at all. Maybe there are more people who don’t understand it now… I’m feeling a little old in some ways.

Actually, over the last week, I’ve been looking into some serious books for the first time in a long time. I didn’t read it, I read it through my eyes… and that’s why I didn’t have time to update the blog.

The book I was looking at was a public rewrite of a dissertation by Dr. Takehiko Aoyagi entitled “Privacy Studies in the Information Age”. This is a book that, normally, would definitely knock you out of your sleep before you even turn a page. Strangely enough, however, I couldn’t feel sleepy even though I was looking through my eyes for an hour. That’s great…no matter how esoteric the book is, it’s different when it’s something you’re interested in.

That’s why I tell you to be interested in anything and everything.

I started reading it on Sunday, but before I could turn the page, I couldn’t keep up with it at all. According to the review, the book will be indescribably rich after reading it two or three times, but the hiragana horns are not good enough. On the other hand, “Privacy Research in the Information Age” is difficult for an ordinary person like me to understand, but I can concentrate on what I am interested in.

I’ll do what I want to do. I was shouting in my heart…

For example, this is what’s involved. As “privacy is only valuable because it’s at stake,

As we have seen, the concept of privacy is a very lofty and high-level concept of moral rights that has been established since the modern era. Therefore, in terms of things, they are like luxuries and luxury goods belonging to the highly artistic luxury category and cannot be said to be necessities of life. In other words, it must be said that privacy is not a fundamental human right because it is a high quality. It is wrong for pro-privacy advocates to argue that the public interest, freedom of speech, the need for disclosure, and the need for mutual cooperation in the community, etc., should be kicked aside. However, this does not mean that the author does not respect privacy, just the opposite. It argues that unwarranted privacy overprotection undermines an environment that respects privacy.

I am very pleased with myself. Until now, I’ve been saying the same things as my teacher, but only a few of my peers have listened to me. Like you, I can’t express theoretically, academically, historically, etc. very well, but I feel the same way.

There is no way to prove that a scam is a scam.

Now, in reality, there’s no way to verify your educational background, work history, address, age, or family structure at all. No school, company, or government will accept any verification from a third party, all on the basis of privacy and privacy. Therefore, since I have no way of checking anyone, anywhere, it is normal for me to say as much as I want and cheat as much as I want. The number of victims who are tricked into crying is increasing for the film’s Japanese title.

As Dr. Aoyagi says, the unjustified overprotection of privacy is damaging the environment that respects privacy.






  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
