





先月の新聞報道でも、「戸籍謄本など不正取得  行政書士ら8容疑者逮捕」と題し、偽造書類を使っての戸籍謄本の不正取得に関わった、行政書士や情報屋と呼ばれる擬似探偵業者の不正が報じられていた。







第1   戸籍の謄本等の交付請求
  (1)   戸籍に記載されている者等による請求
  (2)   第三者請求等
    (ア)   自己の権利を行使し、又は自己の義務を履行するために戸籍の記載事項を確認する必要がある場合 権利又は義務の発生原因及び内容並びに当該権利を行使し、又は当該義務を履行するために戸籍の記載事項の確認を必要とする理由
    (イ)   国又は地方公共団体の機関に提出する必要がある場合 戸籍謄本等を提出すべき国又は地方公共団体の機関及び当該機関への提出を必要とする理由
    (ウ)   (ア)及び(イ)に掲げる場合のほか、戸籍の記載事項を利用する正当な理由がある場合 戸籍の記載事項の利用の目的及び方法並びにその利用を必要とする事由



Q9 第三者が戸籍謄本を請求することができる場合とは、具体的にはどのような場合をいうのでしょうか。

A 自分の権利を行使したり、自分の義務を履行したりするために戸籍の記載事項を確認する必要があるような場合や、国等に提出する必要があるような場合等をいいます。


Q10 私は会社の社長をしていますが、会社の業務として第三者の戸籍謄本を取得する必要が生じました。私の代わりに社員を戸籍窓口に行かせたいのですが、その場合、どのような書類が必要でしょうか。

A 会社の従業員が窓口で請求するときは、次のいずれかの方法によります。

(1) 社員証の提示及び代表者の資格を証する書面の提出による方法

(2) 法人の代表者が作成した委任状及び代表者の資格を証する書面を提出する方法









There has been a series of scandals over the past year in relation to the detective industry, which has put the industry in a very difficult position.

Last month, a newspaper report titled “8 suspects arrested, including an administrative scrivener, for illegally obtaining a copy of the family register” reported that a pseudo-detective agency called an administrative scrivener or an informant was involved in obtaining a copy of the family register using forged documents.

I have been questioning the government’s handling of requests for the issuance of family registers and certificates of residence for some time now, and I have publicly stated my thoughts, knowing that I would be called self-righteous, but at this point in time, I cannot speak out too loudly.

Although the truth of this case is not known, in general, our investigators are often unable to conduct an accurate investigation without obtaining the family register or residence certificate of a third party.

According to the Family Registration Act and the Basic Resident Registration Act, a third party can make a request for the issuance of a copy of a document if necessary to exercise a right or fulfill a duty. In reality, however, it is extremely difficult to break through the administrative (municipal) window, and at first, it is impossible.

Because of this reality, it seems that many investigative agencies are taking the action of hiring people who are in a position to obtain the information relatively easily, and it is this easy thinking that led to this case.

In the past, anyone could request a copy of the family register and certificate of residence, and they were free to inspect it. However, when it was discovered that the law was used to discriminate against people on the Dowa issue and other issues, certain restrictions were placed on the issuance and access to the law, and the mayor of the municipality was able to refuse the request if there was a risk of the law being used unfairly. However, under the previous amendment, a third party may make a claim with proof of identity when it is necessary to do so in order to exercise a right or perform an obligation.

The following is the law as amended

1. Request for issuance of a certified copy of the family register, etc.
1 Request for grant
(1) A request by a person listed in the family register
(a) A person listed in the family register or his or her spouse, lineal descendants, or lineal descendants shall be deemed to be a transcript or extract of the family register or a certificate of the matters listed in the family register (hereinafter referred to as a “transcript of the family register, etc.”) (2) A person may request for the delivery of an item (1) or (2) of the following items (Re: Article 10, Paragraph 1)
(a) The mayor of the municipality may deny a request under (a) if it is evident that the request is for an unreasonable purpose. (Re: Article 10, Paragraph 2)
(2) Third party claims, etc.
(a) Third party claims
(1) A person other than the person provided for in (a) may request the issuance of a certified copy of the family register, etc., only in the following cases In this case, the person making the request shall clarify the matters specified in the respective items and make the request. (Re: Article 10-2, paragraph 1)
(a) Where it is necessary to confirm the entries in the family register in order to exercise one’s rights or perform one’s duties (b) Where it is necessary to confirm the entries in the family register in order to exercise one’s rights or perform one’s duties (c) The cause and content of the right or duty and the reason why it is necessary to confirm the entries in the family register in order to exercise one’s rights or perform one’s duties
The national or local government agency to which a copy of the family register, etc. is to be submitted, and the reasons for the submission to that agency.
(c) In addition to the cases listed in (a) and (a), there is a legitimate reason to use the information in the family register. The purpose and method of using the information in the family register and the reasons for using it.
(a) Official claims.
(2) Notwithstanding (a), the national or local government agency may request the issuance of a certified copy of the family register, etc., when it is necessary in order to carry out the affairs prescribed by laws and regulations. In this case, the official who has the authority to make said request shall do so after clarifying his/her official position, the type of affairs concerned, the provisions of the laws and regulations on which the request is based, and the purpose of using the matters stated in the family register. (Re: Article 10-2, paragraph 2)

The following is a Q&A.

Q9: In what specific cases can a third party request a copy of the family register?

A Cases in which it is necessary to confirm the entries in the family register in order to exercise one’s rights or fulfill one’s obligations, or cases in which it is necessary to submit to the state, etc.

As a concrete example, it is necessary to submit a copy of the family register in which B is listed as an attachment when filing a petition for conciliation of the division of the estate of B.

Q10 I am the president of a company, and I need to obtain a third party’s family register as part of my company’s business. I would like to send an employee to the family register window on my behalf.

A When an employee of the company makes a request at the counter, either of the following methods will be used

(1) By presenting the employee ID card and submitting a document proving the representative’s qualifications

(2) By submitting a power of attorney prepared by the representative of the corporation and a document evidencing the representative’s qualifications.

and so on.

However, third party claims are difficult at first, except for submission to public authorities. In reality, it is nearly impossible for us investigators to obtain the data as the basis of our investigation. Hence, a roundabout acquisition is made and, as a result, punishable as a tort. This is the composition behind this case.

It may be said that the surveyor is trying to meet the client’s request as accurately as possible, which is a flipside of good intentions, but there is no reason why the illegal act should be allowed.

For example, let’s say that one of the couples, who are in a relationship based on the premise of marriage, has some doubts about the other person due to something. In an attempt to answer the question, he confronts the other party, but the abduction remains unresolved. So, I asked the research company to clear up the question.

In most cases, in order to conduct an accurate investigation, it is necessary to obtain a certificate of residence or family register of the person being investigated. Specifically, there is a lot of bigamy, parent-child issues, divorce records, career fraud, and so on, just to name a few. There’s no way to do an accurate investigation without knowing who they are.

Some say, “What are you talking about…the survey itself is bad. However, when a question arises in the world, it is very common for people to say, “I’m going to investigate,” or “I’m going to look into it.

However, I think that we need to deepen the discussion on the interpretation (scope) of rights and obligations more and more based on concrete cases. Otherwise, I fear that there will probably be no end to the incidents that we see in the newspapers.
*** Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ***






  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
