











 そう云えば、今回は付け焼刃の政党が一挙に出て来て、何が何だか良く判らない。一昨日の、我が家の朝一の会話は 「政党名、全部言える?」であったが、先ずは投票に行くまでに政党名をキッチリ覚えなければ・・・。ただ、党名は違うが、政策は何処がどうなのか、良く判らない。何となく、主義主張や政策の違いよりも、好き嫌いや当選確率で所属政党を決めている様な感じがして、今までに無く、選択に迷ってしまう感がある。



Why is the media so negative in their thinking?

I think so, especially lately. Most of the news that comes first thing in the morning of the 6th era every morning is something that makes you feel down as soon as you hear about an incident, accident, or death.

Among them, the method of abuse and murder of Tsunoda Whatsoe every morning was reported in detail, and there is not a day that goes by that this case does not appear on the third page of the newspaper. Therefore, if Kakuta’s name appears on TV or radio news, he leaves the place and hardly reads the three pages of the newspaper.

I don’t want to start the day with a bad feeling after hearing the news of such a horrible treatment first thing in the morning…. But why is it that every morning the companies are relentlessly following this same incident and treating it as big news?

Is it because the needs of the people are there after all? It is true that it is an unheard of heinous act, and if it is newsworthy, it may be, but the people who are unilaterally told such news first thing in the morning are, in a sense, a great nuisance, and I think it is a great loss for the country (both in education and the economy)…

I faintly remember hearing that some countries decided that more than half of the news should not be gloomy, and if this is true, I think it is a very good policy.

If a party with such a policy in its manifesto came out in the upcoming House of Representatives election, I would be the first to vote for it….

It’s hard to understand what’s going on this time because of the sudden appearance of all the political parties that have a hard edge. The first thing our family said in the morning the day before yesterday was, “Can you tell me all the names of your political parties? But first of all, I have to remember the names of political parties before I go to the polls… However, although the name of the party is different, I’m not sure what the policy is. For some reason, I feel that people are deciding their party affiliation based on their likes and dislikes and the probability of being elected, rather than differences in principle and policy, and for the first time in my life, I feel that I am lost in the choice.

The TPP, nuclear power, fiscal and economic recovery are all good, but I think that there is one more important issue that needs to be addressed in Japan today.






  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
