










 これくらいの調査、幾ら個人情報j保護の壁が厚くても、弊社の調査員に取っては朝飯前のこと・・・?。 考えれば考えるほど、訳の判らない行政指導に腹が立つ。



”責任者出て来い” (ちょっと古いか・・・)


A tragic accident occurred in Tochigi Prefecture in which six elementary school students were killed after being hit by a crane. What’s more, it seems that a crane truck rammed into the line of students at the school without braking.

According to subsequent reports, the 26-year-old driver who caused the accident was still on probation for having previously caused a personal injury accident in which he jumped a child on his way to school.

I don’t know what kind of punishment and compensation will be paid in the future, but if this had happened in the United States, the driver and the company would have had to pay compensation to the extent that they can never stand up again.

This is because the company has established a system to conduct a detailed hiring survey, examine the driver’s driving history, and make a decision on whether or not to hire a driver based on this system. If a driver is hired without conducting a pre-employment survey and an accident like this occurs and the driver has a similar history of accidents in the past, the company will be held fully responsible for the employer.

However, it’s not easy. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW) has given administrative guidance to employers not to conduct thorough hiring surveys, on the grounds that pre-hiring surveys lead to the protection of personal information and discrimination.

I don’t mean to imply anything, but if this company had asked us (Corporate Services) to do a job search, I’m sure six elementary school students would have gone to school today with their friends in a cheerful mood.

This kind of investigation, no matter how thick the wall of personal information protection is, is a piece of cake for our investigators…? The more I think about it, the more I am annoyed by the incomprehensible administrative guidance.

The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare is partly to blame for this accident. It is impossible for a company to know a driver’s qualifications and medical history only from a paper test and an interview. However, we can’t conduct an employment survey because the government would have a lot of fun if we did.

The media, whether they know it or not, has reported the driver’s name, age, and history in detail, but the name of the company has not been disclosed. What on earth is this…? They hired an employee who was on probation for a similar accident in the past without any investigation, resulting in the deaths of six elementary school students.

“Come on out in charge.” (It’s a little old…)

Both the government and the company may be trying to put all the blame on the individual driver, but this accident was an incident and not a natural disaster at all. It is not difficult to say that the six children who died were victims of the administrative guidance of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.


One thought on “採用調査と人権”

  1. 初めてのコメントです、今仙台に来ています震災で被災した家屋の調査をしています、昨日津波の被害を受けた亘理郡の山元町に行ってきました、自衛隊の活躍でやっと道路から瓦礫が取り除かれ車が走れる状態となりました、被災された方が私が大阪から来たと話しますと、ご自分は家もなく避難所生活をしている状況にもかかわらず、私に大変ですね、有難うと声をかけてくれ缶コーヒーを飲みなさいとくれました、東北の人の我慢強さとやさしさを感じました、後1ヶ月あまり色々な人と会い元気ずければと思っています。

H.T事務局長 へ返信する コメントをキャンセル





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