








As a researcher, I have pointed out on this blog many times the problems associated with the implementation of the Personal Information Protection Act.
Yesterday’s Yomiuri Shimbun also highlighted the problem of the government’s overreaction to the Personal Information Protection Law.
It was pointed out that this had resulted in a major hindrance to emergency response and the exchange of information for that purpose.

Also, according to media reports, various issues related to the inspection and acquisition of family register certificates of residence will be discussed in this Diet session.
At this point in time, a person in a third party’s position may not be able to do so without the person’s consent (power of attorney).
It is very likely that they will be legally regulated so that they will not be able to see or take someone else’s residency or family register. For more than a decade now, administrative offices have been using the
Although both acquisitions are strictly regulated and the principle of disclosure has already been famously vindicated, it’s a different story when it comes to legal provisions. so to speak.
What kind of a society would be like if no one could see the family register or get the residence certificate without the consent of the person? Roughly.
What are family registers and residency cards for, what do they need them for, are they only for the government to keep tabs on the people, but they’re never like that.
Isn’t it the only official certificate that proves that you are who you are? Isn’t that why we have followed the principle of legal disclosure? In a way.
At the very least, your identity (address, name, age, family structure) should be made public by public authorities.
It seems that we have been able to self-regulate and maintain social norms without realizing it.

This amendment to the law is intended to remove that. Under the seal of privacy protection.
Without the consent of the person, the name, address and age of the person will not be known. And when you turn this around, it’s all about lying, cheating, education, all about writing.
You can’t tell me your work history, you can’t tell me your age, you can’t tell me how many times you’ve been married and divorced, you can always be married for the first time, and even if you’re married, you’re always single in front of your boyfriend.
Then, the research company conducts an investigation and says, “The researcher is not single, but married to someone in what year and month and has two children, and is living in this way in some place.
(2) Suppose that he reported that the Then, the respondent said, “I want you to disclose where and how you obtained my personal information.
How can you prove that I’m married and have a child, this report is bullshit. However, the research firm said.
You can’t just open your mouth and say, “Isn’t this what the family register says, or isn’t this what the certificate of residence says? Also.
A slightly clever researcher may inquire at the city office of his or her real or current address when and by whom his or her residence certificate or family register was taken.
The office will then immediately investigate and notify the person (which it must do). When the name of a certain judicial scrivener or a certain lawyer comes up…
Their judicial clerks and lawyers are ojans on off-purpose billing. Therefore, it is not possible to request a qualified person to do anything other than direct work. Result.
A society where anything goes is established, where people cannot be trusted and a kingdom of con artists is created in the name of personal information and privacy.

Many people may think that this is a bit of a leap… but from the point of view of an actual researcher, it is neither a leap nor anything.
We are already becoming that kind of society. It’s not just married, single people who go to work and say she’s single. Not to mention resume fraud, companies
It says, “Due to the Personal Information Protection Law, we are unable to respond to any personal information…” as if this is a model answer. However, when it comes to hiring at my place
The investigating company ordered me to check the history of the company for sure. It’s all in a matter of fact, I think the administration needs to think more about the whole situation.
Not all the weak are righteous.

3 thoughts on “個人情報過保護法”

  1. 個人情報過保護という神話


  2. 個人情報保護法に対してのシステム管理者の考え


  3. ブログを順次読ませていただいております。個人情報保護法、戸籍法改正の流れなどについて、このまま見過ごせば、その弊害が今後の日本社会に浸透していくことは目に見えております。決して調査会社の利得を目的としたご意見ではないと思いますし、敢えて実例を掲げて訴えられている姿勢に感服しております。引き続き本ブログを読ませていただき勉学させていただきたいと思います。

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  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
