





ということは、今年一年、大したことをして来なかったという証しかも。 それでも何か有るだろう・・・。そこで、小生の一年を振りかえってみた。






6月、公私ともに超多忙、厚生労働省が関係する冊子「採用と人権」が頭から離れない・・あまりにも酷い、「今日一日、怒らず 恐れず 悲しまず」を身上とする小生であるが、これが怒らずにおられるか・・・でも誰も業界人は動かない・・、それにまた怒り心頭。 ただ、全くの私事であるが六月六日待望の孫誕生、母子ともに元気、よって公私ともに超多忙。

7月、少し熱かった、業績はまずまず、回復基調か・・・。隠岐でお客を迎えたが、これが中々大変。その後、「あなたの隣の名探偵 七人のサムライ」が出版される。





12月、とにかく早い、後一週間で御用納め・・・トホホ。ところが今日は小生の誕生日。還暦を迎えはや7年、正直信じられない速さで、オントシ53歳(マッチャン年齢)。で、このブログを書いている最中に、当ビルの2F住人の才女が、突然闖入してきた。満面の笑みを浮かべ ?会長おめでとう” 。 何事かと思いきや、手には、特大の誕生日ケーキ!!。 ありがとう、とにかくありがとう、これで、爽やかな正月が迎えられそう・・・。





It’s like the light and the arrow, so real that it’s disgusting.

That may be a proof that I haven’t done much in the past year. Still, it’s something… So, I looked back on my year in Japan.

In January, it’s like a New Year’s greeting. Personally, I am determined to build a primary school in Cambodia and make a transfer.

February, I think I ran away, I can’t remember a thing.

I’m not sure if I’ve done the right thing after a full year of accounting and changing presidents in March.

April, the start of a new school year, the hesitation of March slowly blowing over.

In May, I gradually became accustomed to the chairman’s position, and I think I have a little more time to play golf.

In June, I was extremely busy both in public and private life. I can’t stop thinking about the booklet “Employment and Human Rights” related to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. However, it’s completely personal, but on June 6th, my long-awaited grandchild was born, and both mother and child are doing well, so I’m very busy with my work.

It was a little hot in July, the performance was decent, the recovery is on track… We welcomed a guest in Oki, but it was very difficult. This was followed by the publication of The Great Detective Next to You, Seven Samurai.

In August, I didn’t take a lot of Obon holidays and went to work diligently.

In September, the change of the president was a success and realization. The company came to be bright and vibrant… The old soldier just leaves…

In October, my grandson is shy and shy of people. When I see the smile on my grandson’s face, all the company stuff disappears. The company will still be able to manage… The president change was a huge success! Yeah, yeah.

In November, for some reason, the number of special investigations increases. Has the world become a little more structured? I will return to Oki for a week in the middle of March. We were only able to go out to the sea for one day, but we caught 10 white-tailed fish weighing 4 kilograms and were in a good mood.

Anyway, it’s early in December, I have only one week to finish my work….. Today, however, is my birthday. It’s been seven years since I turned 60, and to be honest, I can’t believe how fast I turned 53 years old (Machan age). As I’m writing this blog, a talented woman, who lives on the second floor of the building, suddenly barged in. With a big smile on his face ? Congratulations, Chairman.” I was wondering what was going on, but in my hand was an oversized birthday cake! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, now I can have a refreshing New Year’s Day….






  • フォームからのお問合せ
  • 見積依頼


  • 調査会社の創業者ブログ
  • 調査会社の社長ブログ
  • 調査員の採用情報
  • 暴力団排除宣言
  • 法令遵守宣言
