






市教委によると、「自殺の練習」は、生徒16人が回答に記していた。うち実名で回答した4人には聞き取りをしたが、事実は確認できず、それ以上の調査もしなかったという。加害者とされる同級生らにも聞き取りを行う機会はあったが、「練習」については一切尋ねなかったとしている。 その理由について、市教委は読売新聞に対し、「事実確認は可能な範囲でしたつもりだが、いじめた側にも人権があり、教育的配慮が必要と考えた。『自殺の練習』を問いただせば、当事者の生徒や保護者に『いじめを疑っているのか』と不信感を抱かれるかもしれない、との判断もあった」と説明。結局、事実がつかめなかったとして、非公表にしたという。










Osaka Mayor Hashimoto gave a tearful press conference after an incident in which a second-year junior high school student in Otsu City committed suicide due to bullying, but I think all ordinary citizens must feel the same way…

There was an article in this morning’s Yomiuri Shimbun related to this case.

According to the city’s school board, “suicide practice” was noted by 16 students in their responses. Four of the respondents were interviewed by their real names, but the facts could not be confirmed and no further investigation was carried out. He said he had an opportunity to interview the alleged assailants’ classmates, but did not ask them about the “practice” at all. About the reason, the city school board told the Yomiuri Shimbun, “The fact check is going to be within the range that was possible, but the side that bullied also has human rights and thought that educational consideration was necessary. In the end, he said, he decided not to make it public because he could not find out the facts.

Human rights and educational considerations” are words that any educator or scholar with any kind of brain would think.

I feel sick all day long when I’m exposed to this kind of news. This morning, however, the words “the human rights of the sick” caught my eye and I read them carefully. I still feel bad as a result.

Earlier, in Kameoka, Kyoto, 10 people were killed or injured when a group of schoolchildren were hit by a car that ran out of control while they were napping. Afterwards, the fact that the parent of the assailant asked the police officer for the victim’s name and address from the thought that the parent of the assailant wanted the victim’s relatives to make an apology was regarded as a problem, and the police officer and the superintendent who leaked personal information received a disciplinary action for the violation of the confidentiality obligation of a public official, and saw the article.

I feel a little uncomfortable about this, too.

Good intentions are intertwined with good intentions, and affections are intertwined with emotions, and the act of thinking well of each other is punished.

In spite of the fact that each person’s precious life was lost, there is no consideration for human rights and no pursuit of the cause.

Laws and rules are the minimum rules, and there are things that are far more precious and important than good intentions, mercy, and laws and rules in human life. In spite of this, in the name of human rights and personal information, human behavior has been disregarded.

The protection of human rights and the protection of personal information, both of which are very important, and when the state powers downplay these things, it’s not prosecutorial misconduct, but it’s a big deal. However, in a community society where there is no power or anything, this is a big problem when you bring up human rights and personal information protection as if it were a banner.

It seems to me that society these days is bound by laws and regulations, and the laws and regulations are operated in a way that completely ignores the purpose of the so-called legislation.






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