










 でも一週間も痰と咳に悩まされると仕方がない。「先生・・・、元気に風邪をひきました」、先生も心得たもの、症状を話すと、何も診ずに、「薬出しておきましょう・・・最短で良いでしょう・・」 3日分、3つぶの薬をくれた。







The influenza is raging.

He boasted, “I never catch a cold. I occasionally have a slight sore throat or a light cough, but I haven’t felt like catching a cold for about 30 years.

Whenever an employee would say, “I have a cold,” he would say something like, “Why do you have a cold? However, this year, I caught a cold first and foremost, and even though it’s been a week, I’m still having a lot of phlegm and coughing. Finally, I couldn’t stop myself and went to the hospital. It’s a shameful story, but it can’t be helped.

Early last week I went on a business trip to Tokyo. I didn’t feel well even before I went out, but I think it was from the loneliness of sleeping alone that I brought in a cold in the middle of the night… Since then, we have been doing this for a week.

This sensei was originally a member of the Tenpukai and used to come to Kori Dojo from time to time. At the time, he was a doctor at a university hospital, but two years ago, he started his own business. With that in mind, I’ve shunned the doctors I’ve been seeing, and although it takes a bit of time, I’ve been able to use them casually like a home doctor.

However, it is difficult to say to the doctor, “I caught a cold…”. Because….when the teacher is not wearing a white coat, I am the teacher. Normally, I would teach my teacher the “mind-body unification method” hand in hand and profess that I try not to catch a cold.

But when you’re plagued with phlegm and cough for a week, it can’t be helped. Doctor…I caught a cold in good health,” the doctor knew what he was doing, and when I told him the symptoms, he didn’t do anything but give me three pills for three days.

The doctor said, “You don’t get phlegm when you have the flu. It’s probably a mild cold… What’s the difference between a common cold and the flu…? The flu is a cold too, isn’t it…” he said lightly and left the doctor’s office.

Maybe we’ll be okay tomorrow. But why did I catch a cold…?

There’s only one thing I can think of, and that’s a carbohydrate-restricted diet.

It’s been two and a half months since I stopped eating carbohydrates. I’m sure my weight will go down, my blood pressure will go down, and I’m sure my blood sugar will go down at this rate (I just had it checked today, so I’ll get the results in a couple of days). However, I think my physical strength had dropped accordingly…

I guess we should all take it easy…







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