






で大はしゃぎ。実は昨年、郷里西ノ島町を詠った演歌がレコーディングされた。作詞 たかたかし、作曲 弦哲也、
編曲 南郷達也
、と云う超豪華トリオにより作られた歌で、歌うは演歌歌手の 「かつき奈々」 さんである。


実は、今年の国賀会総会5月23日には、この演歌歌手、かつき奈々さん に来てもらい、「隠岐の恋歌」で宴を盛り上げて貰おう・・・


今ひそかに考えているのが、この隠岐人会総会にも、かつき奈々 さんに来てもらい「隠岐の恋歌」をご披露頂こう、とのことである。そして、
隠岐の恋歌 を全国区にし、
今年のNHK紅白歌合戦出場を確実なものにしようとの思いである。 トホホ・・・これでは気は休まっても身体の休まる暇が無い。


Last weekend, Nishinoshima town (an isolated island in the Sea of Japan, http://www.town.nishinoshima.shimane.jp/)
The Association of Residents of the Kinki Region who live in the Kinki Region in their hometown, the Kinki Kokuga Kai
The board of directors’ meeting was held at the Oki Island (named after the scenic spot of Oki Island and Kuniga Coast).

The Kinki Kokaga Kai was founded 45 years ago
The General Assembly is held once a year for the purpose of getting to know each other, and this year’s meeting was held on May 23 (Sunday) at Xuyuan Chinese Restaurant in Yotsubashi.
The event is scheduled to be held at In the preparation, fifteen secretaries who act as caretakers of the meeting gathered, and the meeting was held for about two hours in the Oki dialect. The rest is just the same as they always are.
He raises his spirits in the izakaya and heads out to the new area in the north. It’s not clear whether it’s for a meeting or a drinking party, but it’s the latter that makes it more lively.

Especially this time, “Oki no Koi Uta”.
I was very excited about it. In fact, last year, an enka about his hometown, Nishinoshima, was recorded. Lyrics: Takashi Takatakashi, Composition: Tetsuya Gen
Arranged by Tatsuya Nango, the song was written by a gorgeous trio, and sung by Nana Katsuki, an enka singer.

The snack moms know what they’re doing. As soon as we entered the restaurant, the karaoke started playing “Oki no Koi Uta”. Top batter.
The one who didn’t nominate anyone but took the microphone on his own. He seemed to have practiced a lot, and he raised his voice with confidence, but there was a little bit of it.
Then, a beautiful woman of age and age, one of the best enka singers in the Kunigakai, appears on the stage. He has already made it into his own song completely, and it’s so sultry that I can’t stop listening to it.
He sang the emotion of the Oki Islands beautifully.

As a matter of fact, on May 23rd, this year’s Kokugai-kai General Assembly, we’d like to have this enka singer, Nana Katsuki, come and perform “Oki no Koi Uta” to enliven the party…
And now I’m secretly planning it.

The rest was just like any other time, everyone had their own microphones and sang as they pleased.
When he finishes his own song, he chatters loudly and barely listens to other people’s songs. But when the song is over, they applaud even though they haven’t heard it.
The person who sang the song was very happy with it. It’s a truly carefree gathering and a great place to let go of your daily grief.

So, this Sunday, the officers of all the Oki Islands’ hometown associations, including the Kuniga-kai, gathered for a party. In fact, there are 9 groups of people from Oki Island in Osaka.
For some reason or other, the nine local associations gathered and organized an association called the Okijin-kai.
I have been appointed as the president of this Okijin-kai since last spring. Moreover.
The general meeting of Okijin (once every two years) is coming up on April 18, and we have to make preparations for this as well.
Before the meeting, the officers of the local community association gathered together to exchange opinions, deepen friendship, and prepare for the general meeting. So.
I’ve been secretly thinking about having Nana Katsuki come to the Oki Jinkai meeting and perform “Oki no Koi Uta”. And.
We made Oki’s love song a national hit.
He wants to make sure that he will be in the NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen this year. I don’t have time to rest my mind, but my body doesn’t have time to rest.

Tomorrow is a regular checkup day. Uh… I’m afraid of the numbers.






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